Wisdom, humility and understanding (listening).

So we have said trust is one of the 7 pillars of wisdom. So let’s open that up a bit more.

Prov 16:16-20. We said that trust was a choice. Now look at vs 16. Choose understanding (wisdom). OK but just choosing it isn’t going to make it happen. It is the start of an attitude which seeks wisdom. Well what have we said from the beginning, how do we connect with the source of wisdom, Jesus Christ? We need to listen to Him. We need to choose to listen to Him.

But the next few vv remind us of something extremely important, which affects our ability to listen effectively:

What prevents us from hearing Jesus in our hearts? v 18.

What is the right attitude which will enable us to hear vv 19-20?

What do you understand by the concept of “blessing” as expressed in v 20?

In Israel the greeting is Shalom. This describes a wish for one to be in complete harmony with God and His creation. Of course in the NT, it is called blessing and can only be found in a right relationship with Jesus. But here we find the way to that blessing. cf vs 20.

Now the question is who (what) am I really trusting in? cf vs 20 now read Psalm 20:7; Isaiah 31:1-3; Jeremiah 17:5-9.

Ask yourself, when the chips are down, who are you really trusting?

And see the warning in Jeremiah 9. Yes? How easy it is to fool ourselves that we are really trusting in the Lord (and His wisdom). Notice too that the one who trusts in man or anything else other than God is called “cursed”. That is the opposite of blessed.

Wow made me think, this one!

2 Replies to “Wisdom, humility and understanding (listening).”

  1. Been ‘walking’ with my prayer partner Wendy whose husband Chris went to be with Jesus two days ago and H and I delivered a card of sympathy with 1.Cor. 2:9. Then it was such a blessing to read.the whole chapter…. Wisdom from the Spirit. Thank you, Ian for the latest blog. Is Ludwig “blogging” as well?

  2. Ian:You have always been good about drawing one out!! When I was a young Christian and we bumped into each other in the supermarket you would say: So, what has the Lord been saying to you today? Wow! Did I hear His voice? Then I read a precious ‘article’: Listening to His Word….

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