Saul rejected as King.

Darkness – The darkness of the world is all around, sin, hate – expressed in so many ways, even load shedding. Thank you that you came and are the true light – to pierce that darkness and vanquish it.

”Could you but see the intensity of the light of My son Jesus as He drives out the darkness of the world. Yet as you said there is still so much darkness in the world. Let me assure you that that darkness is only temporary – My light has already vanquished it, yet you cannot see it now, it will be fully revealed when I return and establish My full kingdom which will no longer be clandestine. When the full manifestation of My light comes there will be no vestige of the darkness which seems to be so prevalent now .In the meantime I am there even when it appears inky black, leading you, loving you, protecting you especially your heart – so remember My word – ‘in the world you will have tribulation ( darkness) but take heart in me you will have peace (light). So walk in that light this coming week.”

As we come to chapter 15 of 1 Samuel, we may be filled with revulsion and horror at the instructions that the Lord gave to Saul. Surely a God of mercy and love would not give such awful instructions to not only kill the men and the soldiers but also the entire families of the people of the nation of the Amalekites. Not only was Saul to kill the people but he was to kill all live stock as well. Standing back and considering this passage should remind us of the total holiness of God who rejects all sin. It should remind us of the full awfulness of sin in the sight of God.

It almost reminds us of what Israel is trying to do to Hamas at the moment. There is however a huge difference. What Israel is doing now is being done out of retribution, anger and hate, which might be understandable with the provocation they had but there is no indication that this act has been ordained by God.

The real message of this chapter is focused on the disobedience of Saul to Gods word. As one reads through the chapter there are a number of indications of Saul’s rebellion against God and His instructions. Saul attempts to justify his actions in several ways. He tries to put a religious shade on his disobedience suggesting that there was a purpose in what he did to honour God. He also tries to pass the blame onto other people and so avoid responsibility for his actions.

There is an interesting interplay around the idea and word obedience from vs 12 but especially vs 17 ff. Notice Saul’s disobedience seems to be linked to His growing arrogance and self-importance. The reply that Samuel gives to Saul in verse 22 is a classical word. It is a reminder to Saul and all who follow him down the ages that meaningless religious rites don’t honour God in any way. God seeks our loving obedience which reflects our attitude towards Him and our love for Him. The best sign that we love God and seek to follow Him is demonstrated by our obedience to His word.

Ominous words are spoken by God in vs 27 through Samuel. Saul would remain king for the time being but there would be no deep long-term purpose in his rule. Twice in the chapter God is said to regret that He made Saul king vs 11 and 35. (the Hebrew word means repent or change one’s mind). Yet when Saul begs Samuel to forgive him Samuel is adamant that it is too late and that God never repents or changes His mind. Earlier in vs 11 we see Samuel crying out the whole night to God. This is all an interesting interplay as we see this relationship between Samuel, Saul and God playing out. It speaks of a real relationship on the one hand between Samuel and God and a separation between God and Saul.

On the whole this chapter really reminds us of the seriousness of sin. Of the symptoms of a deep rebellion in the heart of the sinner which gives rise to disobedience. A lifting of the person’s own view of himself against the view he has of God demonstrating his lack of submission to God It is a frightening process which should awaken us all to guard against it.

Of course, the really good news is that the greater son of David came many years later to deal with sin. Considering the picture in this chapter, we should have a greater degree of gratitude for what He did on the cross on our behalf, saving us from the awful result of rebellion against our Creator.

May the Lord bless you all during the next week.

7 Replies to “Saul rejected as King.”

    1. Noted! Thanks Ian. Do you discuss the blog together on another platform? Perhaps others on this blog (apart from the WhatsApp group) will comment more in 20 twenty-four!! What happened to Kathy ?? Christine Andrews is active on FB.

  1. Amen, Ian,chapter 15 of 1 Samuel shows us again our Holy Lord’s absolute Holiness and the terrible destructiveness of sun. Let us therefore celebrate Christ’s coming into this world with our whole heart in this Advent season. With Christ came all Holiness. Love and Beauty into this dark world. He came to bless us. ” Moses said, the Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall LISTEN TO HIM in.whatever He tells you. And it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people. And all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came after him , also proclaimed these days. You are the sons of the prophets and also of the covenant that God made with you fathers, saying to Abraham, and in your offspring shall all the families of the earth be blessed . God , having raised up His servant, sent Him to you first , to bless you by turning every one of you from your wickedness. “.Acts 3 22. 26. All Glory, authority, power and dominion be to our Holy Lord forever and ever! Amen 🙏

    1. Lilly Thank you ….have just printed your remarks to reply intelligently. You probably meant “sin”…. Love in Him…e

  2. With my heart I want to evangelize, speak about the Good News of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ to show His excellencece, even if once in a while a typing mistake happens because of the condition of my physical eyes

  3. The Hebrew word translated as obey is actually listen, with the understanding that listening correctly with the ears as well as the heart will lead to obedience.

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