True Worship.

I have been singing, “help me trust you more and more. Help me give my whole heart to you”.

“ Your focus has been on trusting Me for the path ahead into the future. Your focus is on the journey over the river Jordan to the ultimate celebration of victory and a table set for you and a myriad of others. Now you want to trust me more and more. Look back – look back at my history with my people and you. See that shining light – it is so bright it’s soars into the sky and can be seen from everywhere. Look what it is lighting up – the moment of victory – on an old ugly cross in Israel – on my Son calling out, “My God my God why have you forsaken me?” That is a moment in history which has been documented. Now let your trust start there – place your feet on that Rock of certainty and look forward with that as your launching pad and come and follow Me, take up your cross, put to death all self-reliance and doubts and let us walk together into the future, towards the New Jerusalem.”

We come now to he end of this long prophetic book, Isaiah. There has been a great amount of input, much of which has been repeated in various ways for further emphasis and clarification. Ch 66 gathers together a few of these themes.

Of greatest significance, Jehovah speaks about Himself. Which reminds us that He has been and is and will be the center of everything. Firstly He reminds us that, as much as He gave the instructions to build a temple which would symbolize His presence, no building can hold Him. The entire universe is His footstool. (vs 1) a good reminder of what He has said earlier that His ways are far higher than our ways. We cannot put Him in a box to suit our understanding.

Secondly. He can do the most amazing acts in an instant. (vv 8,9). As much as a baby is born in a few minutes, so He can make a nation in the same time.

Thirdly. While much of this passage is devoted to reminding the reader of His judgement against all who do not worship Him. He will treat Israel (all His people) like a mother treats a son (v 12,14). Giving comfort and bringing great joy.

But fourthly, the most telling statement comes in v 23. It will remind you of Philippians ch 2. In the end all mankind will worship Him. For all eternity.

Most of the rest of the chapter is a reminder of the repeated statements that there are two kinds of people. There are those who are deemed to be acceptable to God. Who are going to spend all eternity with Him. They are variously described as, “humble and submissive in spirit” v 2 “Who tremble at His word”. vs 2 and 5. And then there is the all-encompassing word in vs 23; “Those who worship Him.” What a wonderful summary of the true followers of Jehovah, who later are taken into His family through the work of the “Suffering Servant” on the cross. He also makes it clear that His invitation to be part of His kingdom extends to everyone.

Then comes the jarring note. The note which so many of us tend to skip over as we read. That is the description of those who reject God. Apart from those who openly rebel against God, now as elsewhere in the book, He singles those out who say they are worshiping Him, yet are consorting with all the the pagans. It seems to me as I reflect on this that this is perhaps one of the main issues in Christianity today. The many who claim to be followers of Christ, but their hearts have not been converted. Their worship is only superficial and does not indicate a changed heart. It speaks volumes that the last verse of this book describes the fate of all who reject God.

In this weeks weekend Burger was an interview, a whole page with an ex-dominie, who has just published a book. “The bad news of the gospel”. He describes himself as an agnostic. The reason, according to him that he cannot accept Christianity is that we are called to believe that far more people will go to hell rather than heaven. It seems to me, denying what is a major theme of the bible will not change it. At the same time this should be a major spur for all of us to share the gospel with as many people as we can.

For those of you who are persevering with me and my blog, I am starting to read the gospel of Matthew. It connects very much with the Old Testament and much of what Isaiah has written about, giving a New Covenant understanding to it.

The Messianic Age.

I have been singing, “Bless the lord oh my soul – the sun comes up there is a new day dawning”.

“ Ian just stop and reflect on what you have just been singing. You rely on the fact that there will be a new day dawning, the sun will come up. That reflects the rhythm of my creation, my whole creation functions according to a rhythm that I have built into it– everyone accepts it without thinking. But my rhythm is like my heartbeat – it is fixed, it is powerful. Nothing can change it. When there are storms and drought people run around calling out for mercy, but these are only small evidences of what happens when I draw back my rhythm. So be comforted because you are held fast in me, in Jesus within that rhythm. You are not like a small twig in a raging torrent being swept along – you are a son firmly held to my breast – feeling and living out the rhythm of my heart beats for you and for my whole creation.”

We come to an interesting passage today, Isaiah 65:17-25, as we near the end of Isaiah. This passage describing a new creation – new heavens and a new earth resonates with Revelation 21:1 ff. Yet there is a false note. Although people are promised a long life, without the sound of weeping there still appears to be a limit to it.

So I stand back and see 65:23 b, which seems to be the key verse. These people are under God’s blessing, the curse has been removed. So this is a look ahead in prophetic fashion of the Messianic age. An age which was introduced with the death of Jesus when He took the curse upon Himself, but will only be fully realized when He comes again. The prophet has not been shown the dividing line. We have already entered the Messianic age, yet we are mainly experiencing the spiritual aspect of it. We have been blessed because of Jesus taking the curse on our behalf. We have received every spiritual aspect of that blessing (Ephesians 1:3), but we are still living in a fallen world.

What is pictured here in a physical sense still awaits us when we pass over the spiritual Jordan into the final Promised Land. What a prospect and how closely it resonates with the picture in Revelation. In the meantime we should continue to appreciate every aspect of God’s creation as He has given it to us at this time.

One aspect of this Messianic Age which stood out for me is in 63:24, describing the benefit of God’s blessing, “Even before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking, I will hear”. This is a refreshing reminder of the value and meaning of prayer and has echoes of Matt 6:8, “your father knows what you need before you ask”. It shows that behind the scenes God does not need to be informed of our needs and desires, yet He invites us to engage with Him in a conversation about our lives and what is happening to us. This is the wonder of having a relationship with the Creator of the whole universe who knows everything, including what is still going to happen.

As you speak to Him, no doubt He will be steering your will into line with His. Prov 16:3 says “Commit to the Lord whatever you do (or your way) and your plans will succeed”. Many people think they can plan and just before they go ahead to carry them out they throw out, “I commit this to the Lord” and that means He will see that they succeed. The Hebrew construct of this verse is “if you lay your way alongside the Lord’s way, then your plan will succeed”. Thus while we pray, the Lord helps us to turn our way over to His guiding hand that His way may supplant it. Then it will be that He answers while you are still speaking.

As my prayer life continues to grow, I still find it so easy to fall into habitual patterns and rotes. Repeating in various ways what I have already asked. I need to constantly remind myself that I am having an active interaction with God who invented the idea of conversation, and based His will clearly on paper, in His word.

Prayer Prepares Us.

Singing, ”The Ancient of Days; none before me, none beyond me, all of time in my hands”.

“ Your vision of me encompassing everything that is – is correct. I am everywhere, there is no part of anything that exists that is separate from Me. Even in the darkest sinful corners I am there. Even when I choose to withdraw my manifest Presence, because of sin, I am still there. Just the awareness of Me has been removed. And all the time I am working in judgement and redemption as my central aim to grow My kingdom into a bride worthy of Me. Enjoy My creation as much as you can and continue to see it as a gift from Me, but understand this world is only a faint reflection of what is to come, so live to the fullest of My presence, be aware of what you are experiencing continually in this light, knowing that I am there – actively participating in every aspect of your life”

In our reading of Isaiah we are approaching the end, with its magnificent prophecy of what is still to come. The focus, is still on the “Suffering Servant” and His role in dealing with God’s vengeance. See the vital question in 63:1 “Who is this coming from Edom….?” But how are the people of Israel experiencing this, in the light of their state of exile? This is revealed in the prayer from 63:15 – 64:12. Here they pour out their hearts to God. Let us see what we can learn from this for our own prayer-life. Just remember we need to first see how the people of that time understood these words, then we can see how we can apply them to ourselves, now that Messiah has come.

The overriding feeling they have is that Yahweh has abandoned them That He has withdrawn from them. They feel that they no longer belong, even Abraham has abandoned them . 63:15,16. Very revealing is the fact that they sense their abandonment has come as a result of their sin, however they accuse Yahweh of causing them to sin. vs 17. “Why Yahweh do you make us stray from your ways? You harden our hearts so we do not fear you”.

His absence is “proved” by the fact that they have lost their land. The land that was Promised as part of His Covenant.

So they cry out “return”(vs17), “if only you would tear open the heavens and come down” (64:1). Then its as if this cry brings them to remember times past and who Yahweh really is. Times past, when He did awesome works and the mountains shook when He came down. Reference to the exodus and the giving of the covenant.

This memory brings a serious reflection and conclusion. They are all unclean, their iniquities carrying them along like the wind. And God? He is the Potter and they are clay, made by Him. What hope is there?

The only hope lies in that figure of 63:1. The One coming with crimson garments. The only One who is powerful to save! Wow!

How do we read this prayer, this side of the gospel? Firstly there is the time-honored message of Christianity. Jesus has come as the Vindicator and Redeemer. We are equally lost without Him. In fact Paul uses this language of the universal sinfulness of man, to show how much we all need to be saved, clearly in Romans 3. We all need that. It is only in recognizing our need that we can fully appreciate God’s Provision in His Son.

But what about blaming God for our sin? His hardening. It is a universal tendency for man to justify his sin, in some way or another. Are you justifying something you actually know that is wrong? The bible does speak of God hardening hearts, even of those who are saved. There is a sense in which God turns away from someone who continually sins. However the rest of the story is that He is ever seeking our repentance and our true heart. Remember the 99 sheep, He leaves to find the one who is lost?

So what do we do when God seems far away? Firstly one can call out openly how you feel. It is also very important to remind ourselves of God’s past acts. What is told in the bible and what He has done in our own lives. Remembering His continual promise that He will never leave you nor forsake you.

Then, also we should remember that sin separates us from God, it is always good to make sure you do not harbour some hidden or even open sin which you need to repent from.

Finally, feeling that God is not near, does not mean He has left. Remember to rely on what the word says and not your feelings. I find spending time just sitting at His feet and listening to Him is most helpful and singing worship songs reminds me of all the old and sure truths.

So friends, maybe you have seen something you feel important in this passage, especially something I have not mentioned. Why not share it with us? In the end the important thing to remember is that prayer is that point of connection between us and our Heavenly Father, through His Son and with the help of the Spirit. I keep on reminding myself not to make new rules which will inhibit my free association with My Glorious Father.

The Anchor of His Grace.

I am surrendering all to my lord. My heart, my mind, my will? – My will? It is my will that is obstreperous, contrary – I need to bring it in line with Gods will – let Your will be done in my life as it is in heaven.

I have been singing “The anchor holds” – picture of a ship, sails torn, battered and sinking – being washed onto the rocks by the storm tossed sea. But there is an Anchor, the Lord is my anchor – I hold on to Him, but he is holding on to me with a grip which will never yield. The words of Romans 5:1,2, come to mind – “since you have been justified you have peace with God through Jesus Christ, through whom you have gained access, by faith into this grace in which we now stand”. The picture is of a safe harbour and a ship which was exposed to the storms of life, sailing into that harbour of Gods grace in Jesus, the water smooth because of Jesus‘s work on the cross. Psalm 46 says “be still and know that I am God“. It comes to me that it is not enough to know that Yahweh is God, but one must know him personally so that he can be my anchor, so that he can usher me into the peace of the harbour of His grace. I need His work every day in my life, because my will is demanding my way all the time and that will prevent me from experiencing that peace.

My head is dizzy from all the catastrophes that seem to be rolling in endlessly over our country and the world, especially in the last few years. I suppose we all hope that the worst is past, but looking back at history that is a vain hope. As I read Isaiah 63:1-6, a shiver passes over me. The same shiver I felt time and again when we studied Revelation together. Here we meet the Saviour again. The same Saviour, a suffering Saviour (63:9) who takes the goblet of God’s wrath out of Israel’s hand in 51:7b. And as we know from Luke, he drinks it on our behalf, in “vindication” (63:1b)

Stand back a bit. Look at the description of God’s wrath in 63:1-6. Allow it to sink in. “Crimson stained garments, red from the winepress (of His wrath), blood spattered garments and stained clothes. Nations crushed in His anger, drunk from His wrath He has poured out their blood on the ground.” Taste it, feel it. It is huge, it is frightening and yes, I know it will only be released fully at the end times, but is what we are experiencing now not just a fore-taste of it? The so-called “natural disasters” and wars. Notice the coupling of His “power to save” with this lurid description of His judgement. Notice also how Yahweh speaks in vv 3 – 5, stressing the fact that He alone has the power and mandate to pronounce His judgement.

If you read Revelation ch 14 you will see some of this language repeated there.

Do you really comprehend what waits for the unsaved and what we have been saved from? The pictures of war, floods, plague are simply that, mere pictures warning of the great judgement that is still going to come. Reading a passage like this should cause us to fall on the ground in thanksgiving that we have been saved. And rising, redouble our determination to share the “Good News” of the Gospel.

Thankfully we can read on in the next 8 vv about a compassionate God full of faithful love (Chesed). Here He speaks of His relationship with His people Israel, whom He saved again and again. However they rebelled and grieved the Holy Spirit (Vs 10), so He became their enemy. Nevertheless, He relented and put His Spirit among His flock again. That is the God who sent His Son to drink the cup of His wrath on our behalf. And why? For His glorious Name’s sake. (V14.b).

To make a glorious Name for Yourself”. The glory of God. A refrain repeated over and over. I cannot fully understand all this, but this is His priority and I am continually drawn to glorify Him and the Name which represents Him and who He is.

Give the Lord no rest from your Prayers.

Love – the greatest command, the command that supersedes and determines all others. Firstly love for My Father and I – then for your neighbour as yourself. This is something that is only made possible by My grace after you have been re-generated. It is firstly an action determined by a decision, then a feeling which accompanies it. It is made supernaturally possible through the avenue I open to make that the central aim of your life. However there is a sense in which you must cooperate with My work in you.. You must decide to love while I make it your life‘s purpose through my Spirit and My Grace. This is a continual growth and interaction. While I lead you through life and situations where you have to practice it. All the time I am pouring out my love into you. See it in My word, feel it through My Spirit, feel it in prayer and in the music and feel it through the actions and interactions of my other children with you. Go and practice my love today.

In the words promising the restoration of Zion in Isaiah 62, the picture is once again painted of marriage. While God has desired a relationship from the beginning which is as close and loving as a true marriage, His people have committed adultery by loving other god’s and idols more than Him. Yet here again He promises the prospect of a marriage (62:3-5), where He can delight in His bride and rejoice over her. As time passed we know that Zion never lived up to this hope of His. Yet in His mercy He gave them plenty of time to do it.

We also know that His ultimate answer to this disloyalty of His people was to send His Son, who would make the way possible through His redemption and the power of His Spirit for His love to be released and realized. So overriding everything in our lives is the preparation to be part of the heavenly bride one day.

Now in ch 62 an interesting addition to the message. Immediately after the invitation to be part of His bride comes a message of the importance of prayer. cf 62:6,7. The word watchmen is taken to mean prophets or maybe prayer warriors. Those who will pray all day. And notice the interesting instruction to these prayers in vs 7. Do not give Him (Yahweh) rest. Does that not remind you of the importunant widow?

Reveling in the concept of being part of God’s eternal bride, I am struck again by the importance of the part I must play in its establishment. As small and insignificant as I am in the bigger scheme of things, every one who is chosen has a specific, irreplaceable role to play. I have been reminded today again of the importance of love. Love for the Father and for my neighbour. However there is something more. Something that I know I fall far short of. That is in praying as a watchman. Praying continuously, Never giving God any rest. How are you, dear readers doing in these areas?

The Messianic Age. “Now but not yet”.

Even as Moses had to put a bronze snake on a pole and the people had to look up at it, trusting that by doing that they would be saved, just so have I been lifted up on the cross so that people, anyone, can look to me in trust and I will save them. Yet they first have to understand they need to be saved – it is as simple as that – this message is often made unnecessarily complicated. The very fact that the person has come to the point of recognizing their need and calling out, means they have started repenting from their trust in themselves. It is as simple as that, but not always easy because mankind does not like to be told they are inadequate and need salvation. Yes this is the key element of the Christian faith – the crux as it is called. However, as many people as there are in the kingdom, their personal experience of this moment is unique – yet equally precious.

Jesus stood up in the synagogue and read the first verse from Isaiah 61 (Luke 4:18), ending by saying “today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing”. So we know that this prophecy was looking way ahead of Isaiah’s time. However it must have been a great encouragement to the Israelites in Babylon, who had left a war ravaged land behind them 70 years before. 70 years of suffering for the disobedience of a people over the centuries before. Now it was promised that it would be reversed. A rebuilding and restoration not only of their cities and lands, but of their internal spiritual state. “A crown of beauty instead of the ashes of mourning” etc vs 3. we know now that that promise was not nearly fulfilled when the Israelites returned to Zion, way back then.

As I read this passage I found myself thinking of Eukrane. There will be an end to their war, but what will be left of their beautiful country and cities? Much more serious though, will be the mental and spiritual damage to each person who has survived. Their lives will never be the same again.

That is, in fact what sin has done to the world. The picture of war and destruction is a physical reminder of the consequences of the sin which pervades the world. Now Jesus came promising a restoration. A spiritual restoration (vs 1). Looking back in history we see that as much as that promise is real and wonderful, it has not been fulfilled completely, yet. Yes individual people are healed, spiritually and emotionally on a continual basis as they experience Jesus’ work in their lives but, there remain the scars that sin has caused.

What is the answer to this enigma? It lies in the next verse after where Jesus stopped at the end of vs 1, when He read the passage in the synagogue. He did not read vs 2 “to proclaim the year of God’s favour and the day of God’s vengeance; to comfort those who mourn.” the ultimate time of the fulfilment of that prophecy lies ahead in the future when there will be a day when all this will be totally fulfilled. That is why we speak of the “now but not yet”. We have much of the benefit of Jesus’ work of salvation and restoration now, but the ultimate day of the complete restoration of God’s favour and at the same time of judgement, will still come.

So what is Jesus saying to me from this passage? I should not be discouraged as I look at all the evil in the world, because this promise still holds. Instead I should continue to share the promise of the ultimate fulfilment through salvation, with anyone whom God sends to me. The second thing that really speaks to me is the whole question of God’s timing. 70 years had passed before God brought back the Israelites to their land. His time is not ours. This speaks to my impatience to see things happening now, people changing, events working themselves out etc. I must learn to relax into God’s time and trust Him, while I do every day what I feel He wants me to do. Taking one step with the Spirit at a time, with the reassurance that His plan will be accomplished in my life as well as the whole world.

The Glory of the Lord.

The cross is emblazoned across the sky. It remains the central symbol of the most important event in history – it is through the cross that you can say, “Worthy is the lamb”, today because that act on the cross has declared my worth! It made the splitting of the sea for my people, as I rescued them from slavery to the Egyptians – a symbol of what I do for each person who trusts in me. Taking them supernaturally out of slavery into the Promised Land. But in the meantime you are still a pilgrim going through the wilderness. Yet just as I went with my people as a Cloud by day and a Pillar of Fire at night, I have given you my Spirit who not only goes with you guiding and protecting you, but indwells you to enable you to trust and follow Me – and the destination is not an earthly Promised Land, but the heavenly Beulah land. Embrace that message so that you can fully experience the freedom I have won for you.

The theme of Isaiah ch 60 is the “glory of the Lord” as is revealed in many places in the Bible. We see it climax in Revelation, 4:11.The revelation of the glory of the Lord appears as an interlude after the promise of the coming Messiah 59:21 which brackets this chapter with ch 61:1 ff, which is going to show more clearly what the Messiah is going to accomplish.

The phrase and concept of His glory is repeated several times in ch 60. See if you can spot it. (vs 1,2,3,9b,19,21). Picture the pageant which is presented up to vs 7, all coming to celebrate and declare God’s worth. Then it moves to Jerusalem. A Jerusalem which is now open. Open to foreigners as well. And notice too that as part of the revelation of God’s glory there is always the theme of salvation (16,18).

Now, having battled for some time to see the relevance of this chapter in the bigger picture of the book it came to me. Against the backdrop of Israel’s disobedience as depicted in the previous chapters, and God’s movement to rescue them there an important purpose of God is revealed. Indeed that purpose covers everything that is described in God’s story. It is the purpose of revealing His glory.

His glory is mainly revealed in two ways. It is revealed over and over again in His creation power and beauty. Secondly it is revealed in the great act of salvation which was accomplished through the death on the cross of the Messiah and is still being accomplished as He gathers a people to be His ultimate Bride.

What a wonderful thought. I can continually celebrate and enjoy God’s glory, giving Him praise as it looks forward to what I am going to spend my time doing throughout eternity.

The Value and Necessity of Salvation.

I am standing on a cliff top looking out at a vast and beautiful scene. A scene with patches of colour, a village, roads – human activity all bustling along.

“Come fly with Me”. Jesus lifts me up and I am floating up, up, up into the heavenly realms. “Come with Me into the presence of the Father – you have been set free – totally free from the guilt and power of sin – you have been set free! So, this morning just enjoy Me as I envelop you, enjoy the freedom I have won for you on the cross and appreciate Me. I am most glorified when you are most satisfied with Me. Just be satisfied, allow your mind to drink that in so that it is a reality that flows over you.”

I have been sharing my blog with you twice a week for the last 20 months. It has come to me that, putting out my blog so often is maybe overwhelming you and discouraging you from getting to grips with the scriptures that I have been reading. So I have decided to only publish a blog once a week from now on. I will do it on a Wednesday in future. Please continue to join in and share if you feel you would like to.

Just a few words on Isaiah 59 for today. The writer continues to emphasize the need for salvation, against the backdrop of Israel’s sin. 58:1. There is plenty of food for thought but two things struck me. The reminder in vs 2 of the fact that sin alienates one from God, building a barrier, as it were. Causing Him to hide His face and warning that He will not listen. This is a serious thought and one to meditate on.

That is one important reason why the work of the Redeemer (vs 20) is so important. Because we all sin and if that were to remain as a barrier between us we would not be able to communicate with God.

The second thing that stood out was God’s disappointment at the fact that within the community of Israel, “There was no one interceding”. How are we doing as individuals, but especially as a community in this area? Are we sufficiently concerned for all those who need our prayers? The many out there that are still lost?

So the passage wraps up again as to the seriousness of God’s judgement vs 18, 19 and the great need for a Redeemer vs 20. Notice the second part of vs 20 though. The work of the Redeemer is tied to repentance.

Then finally in vs 21 we see the repeated promise that God’s word is entirely dependable and permanent.

So for me today I ask myself, “How is my intercession? Am I still in awe at the value of the work of Jesus? Do I continue to recognize how important it is for the lost so that I will continue to pray for them?”

See you next Wednesday.

True Religion.

“Then came the morning“ – I see a picture of the whole old Testament – the history of God’s people – almost covered in darkness – until Jesus comes – “then comes the morning“ and everything changes where there was darkness and doubt and misunderstanding there is now light.

“ I have come to show you the perfect man and from the moment I rose that is available through forgiveness and the presence of my spirit to each one who believes and receives Me. Yes each person carries scars of some sort in their hearts and spirits – some are much deeper than others – but everyone has scars – but once you receive Me, I start healing those scars – not necessary taking them away but using them to build each person’s character into who they are today. Using the scars as building blocks, as it were. When the final morning comes who you are now will be completed and my purpose will be finally fulfilled in you. So allow me to continue this work of healing in my own unique way for each of you”.

We’ve reached Isaiah 58. Why not read through it and let God show you the powerful message it contains? Powerful, especially because it speaks to us so strongly today. The opening sentence affirms that: “Shout out aloud, don’t hold back”.

Okay so do you see what the message is? The people of God are very actively practicing their religion. They say they are seeking God day by day (v 2), they are fasting (v 3), they have even been keeping the Sabbath. But what is wrong? God is showing them that while they are appearing to be so religious, their actions are showing the complete opposite. It is all summed up in the phrase, “you do as you please” (V 3), bracketed with vs 13 a.

Allow that to sink in. This underlies so much of what is false and shallow in religious observation. Doing as one pleases rather than what pleases God. But that again reflects another much deeper problem. Although they appear to be worshiping, that is just a superficial veneer, their hearts have not been changed. IOW true religion starts from a changed heart and reflects a desire to please God.

In that context then, keeping the Sabbath would only have true meaning if they were doing it from their hearts, demonstrating a true submission to and worship of Yahweh. Understanding its meaning under the New Covenant, it highlights the need to have an ongoing personal relationship with Jesus through the Spirit, if our “religious practices” are to have their true meaning. This intimate relationship will only be demonstrated to be real if it is reflected in an ongoing changed behaviour. The words in John 15:5 “If a man remains in Me and I in him, he will bear fruit” are so true. I am afraid that many people think they are OK as Christians as long as they practice outward religion, not flowing from the heart. That is like giving a rusted old car a new coat of paint. It may look different but underneath it is still falling apart.

Comfort from the Ultimate Comforter.

Mary was walking in the garden – distraught at the thought that she had been separated from the love of her life – separated by the final separator – death. When she met Me she did not recognize Me till I spoke. So in your life you can and are meeting Me in ways and forms that you don’t recognize. The word of love and encouragement, the word of compassion, the offer of help, the words read and taught from My word, there are umpteen ways you are meeting with Me personally because that is how I do things. And all the time I am present, unseen around you – in you, affirming you and enabling you to see Me more clearly by faith. Remember my words, “I will never leave you nor forsake you“. Once you are part of me nothing can separate you from Me again – nothing – neither height nor depth – sickness or setback and least of all death because that is the ultimate gateway into My physical presence. Expect to meet Me in the most unexpected places.

I grew up in the Karoo on a farm. My grandparents were VERY devout Christians. They held a church service every week on the farm and “Huisgodsdiens” was a serious part of every evening. Now my father told me one day that as a young boy, he was not allowed to play on Sundays, he had to wear a suite the whole day and was only allowed to read the bible. He hated it and probably died unsaved. That is the sort of thing that happens when one does not interpret the Old Testament right, so that you can apply it correctly.

Not everyone goes to that extreme, but if your life is in any way governed by the “law”, you are in bondage to it. That is what Paul addresses in Galatians. “Did you receive the Spirit by obeying the law or by believing what you heard? Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit are you now trying to achieve your goal by human effort?” (Gal 3:2b).” It is for freedom that you have been set free, do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery (to the law)”. Gal 5:1. It is so widespread among Christians because even many theologians often don’t apply the correct interpretation to the Old Testament scriptures.

The whole of the Old Testament is a prelude in the unfolding story of God’s salvation plan. When Jesus came He made the important point in Matt 5:17b “I did not come to abolish them (the law and the prophets ie the whole Old testament) but to fulfill them”. What He is saying is that the whole Old Testament period was a prelude, preparing the world for Jesus’ coming. Therefore when we read it we need firstly to see how the passage we are reading fits into that plan.

As I have laid out before. Very briefly, putting this important and often complex task in the simplest terms. As you read any passage you need to determine what it was saying and how it would have been understood by the first hearers. To do that one needs first to see the context, where it fits into the bigger story and then where it fits into the immediate story. Take into consideration all the usual things about reading anything, like what sort of literature it is etc. Many people stop there and want to apply what they have read directly to themselves. That is where the huge misunderstandings come in and end by taking people into all sorts of dead-ends.

The second step is to ask the question, “How did the coming of Jesus change and enrich the disciples’ understanding? In what way could this passage shed light on who He is and what He came to do? How did they understand this passage in the light of the gospel?”

Only then can we apply the passage to ourselves. There is obviously more to all this, but just making a practice of these three steps as you read he Old Testament will make it much more powerful and real.

Now today I have read the 7 verses from Isa 57:14-28. The immediate context is the revelation of God’s salvation plan in Jesus in ch 53 and the subsequent invitation. Isaiah 56:9 – 57:13 is a passage of judgement again. The theme of today’s few vv is a picture of God’s longing to bring His apostate people back into the fold as it were. There are several glimpses of the result of their sin. They are feeling lowly, and their hearts are faint. Underlying all this sin seems to be an attitude of greed, which has separated the people from God. And finally and very importantly they have lost their peace completely.

After the people demonstrate their sorrow for their sin and are contrite, God relents and offers to heal and restore them, guiding them and comforting them. They will have a new joy on their lips and find true peace. That seems to be the message of God’s attitude towards these people who are wayward, yet showing some contrition.

That is how the original readers would have understood the passage. Let us take the next step. Under the New Covenant, has God’s attitude towards sinners changed? Have the effects of sin on every person mentioned here changed? Not at all.

But the New Covenant heralds a complete change, in that through Jesus’ death on the cross sin can and is effectively dealt with for the contrite of heart. This results in a much closer and intimate involvement through the presence of the Holy Spirit, whom John calls the Paraclete or Comforter, than the relationship in the OT, with a distant Yahweh who is only approachable through the priests. Through Him (the Comforter) the contrite not only experiences forgiveness but healing (wholeness, not physical) and true peace. Their hearts will be revived and their countenances will be lifted and they will be restored.

That is how the disciples would have understood this passage, can we apply it to ourselves like that as well? Absolutely! Now do you see how much more powerful that reading is than just scanning those few verses?