The Gospel for the Gentiles too.

This morning I am not feeling completely well – so as I sit here in my special corner, the Lord says “Just come and sit with Me and draw from My presence”. After a time my mind fills with a picture of the night sky – billions upon billions of stars – “Yes Ian, be filled with wonder at My creation, but know that in the midst of this vastness and magnificence – I know you – I know you intimately – like a shepherd his sheep, like a mother her child – draw close and feel My heartbeat, like a foetus feels its mother’s heartbeat and feels loved, accepted, secure – I am Jehovah Rapha – in Me is wholeness, so you are programmed to heal – but I stand by you in this process – just be still, relax, be patient and let go into My arms”.

My reading today is Acts 11:1-18, which is a continuation and a repetition of what Luke described in ch 10. Just like with Paul’s conversion, Luke uses repetition of the story to underline its importance. Its probably quite difficult for us in the twenty first century to appreciate the importance and significance of these two events, which describes what had been promised several times during Jesus’ ministry and also in Acts by Luke, that the Gentiles were also going to be included in His huge plan of salvation. The Jewish nation had “owned” Jehovah and regarded themselves as totally separate to the other surrounding nations because of Him and his choosing them. One of the main external characteristics of the true Jew were his strict food laws. To have that distinction simply swept away must have been a huge shock cf 11:2. Although the “circumcised believers” accept what Peter has done by baptising them in the Name of Jesus, we know that that was just the beginning of a long process of integration to bring them all into the same church together and finding unity. (Just see ch 2 of Ephesians)

Circumcision was one of the rites which God had laid down to demonstrate the Jewish acceptance of His covenant. Of course we know from Paul’s writing that God was more interested in “circumcision of the heart” than physical circumcision. It was going to take a long time for the Jewish believers to see that physical circumcision had been done away with. Even today there are huge parts of the church which seek to add something to the simple gospel to make themselves feel more acceptable. Baptism, both infant and adult have loomed large as a substitute for circumcision, causing huge divisions in the church, even separating denominations. Even Peter fell into the trap, in Galatians he is described as wanting to fellowship only with the believers who wanted circumcision to continue as a Christian rite, bringing about Paul’s recrimination that they were preaching a false gospel which is no gospel at all, cf Galatians 1:6,7.

As I ponder these things, I think how prone we are to add on to the simple gospel message and how many people, who can be classed as ‘believers’, are held captive by superstitious rites. Or are trusting their whole salvation on something other than Jesus and His death on the cross on our behalf.

I read an article recently in the “Kerkbode” by a lecturer from the “Kweekskool” in Stellenbosch. It was entitled something like “Trust your baptism”. She was saying when you have doubts and feel insecure in your Christianity, merely look back at your baptism and that will assure you that you are ‘saved’. Of course she was speaking of infant baptism in the NG church and taking Luther’s comment completely out of context.

So I feel Jesus is reminding me again of the huge battle we are engaged in, in keeping His beautiful gospel message pure. So many people are trying to live the gospel plus and falling back into bondage, losing the real joy of their salvation. Yes I am as prone as anyone and need to be reminded regularly, not only for myself but for those who I teach.

What have you added to your understanding of the gospel, dear reader? Return to the pure gospel of Jesus, regularly reminding yourself to trust only in Jesus and His death on he cross.

Let’s Go on Listening to Jesus.

This morning I am ruing the fact that there still seems so much between me and Jesus that is keeping me from a really close and intimate relationship. So many of my thoughts, inner conversations, actions etc start with myself and then only extend to Him as a sort of afterthought.

So I am kneeling at the foot of the cross and as I look up I see the cross towering above me – stretching up and up, the figure on it being transformed – a huge light – the cross is reaching up into the light and the figure on it is transforming into a beautiful rainbow multitude of colours and the center a blazing white light.

“Ian, I am the light and I am shining my light onto you and into you so that even the darkest corners of your heart will be lit – I have heard your desire to be released from self-interest, self-indulgence, self-satisfaction and to be able to find everything you need and want in Me – so I am shining My light into your heart and I am asking you to turn these things over to Me, that you feel are separating yourself from Me. The world, the flesh and the devil are constantly trying to pull you back and undo the progress you are making. See the chains that are still holding you, see in your mind’s eye Me breaking those chains, that is what the cross and the Light is about. Every day that passes you can be and are coming nearer and nearer to the goal of complete oneness with Me.”

My reading today is Acts 10:1-23. Now this is another turning point in Luke’s story of the Acts of the Apostles as witnesses by taking that witness in stages out to the whole world. It is the start of the astonishing step to include the Gentiles into God’s greater story of His Kingdom. But I am looking at what Jesus is saying to me today. The full impact of this whole movement will be shown later in this story. Why don’t you read the passage and ask Jesus to speak to you personally from it, after you have taken in the main point of the passage.

Firstly, what stands out to me today about Cornelius is that he is a devout believer in Jehovah, whom he addresses as “Lord” in vs 4. Where does his faith come from? Who introduced him to the “Lord”? It is said so by the way, but what strikes me is that whoever spoke to him was merely the agent or messenger that God sent to him to prepare him for this great, world-changing experience with Peter. Another example of how God is working out His plan continually in our lives and that person who is unnamed and unknown is just as important for the successful conclusion of this movement by God.

Another important factor is that several people “hear” the word from God and demonstrate that by obeying. Firstly Cornelius in vs 7 and then Peter in vs 23. Another thing that stood out for me was the fact that God was making a great move, but He doesn’t first appear to Peter and lay out His whole plan starting with a reminder of His instructions to the Apostles at His ascension to be a witness to the ends of the earth. No, he simply takes Peter step by step through the immediate next steps of the plan and Peter, sometimes without even understanding, has to follow Him for the plan to succeed. So I am reminded how important it is just to take the next step every day which you feel is where Jesus is leading you, even though you don’t necessarily see or understand the bigger picture at that stage.

So we have, in some ways come a full circle, to remind ourselves of the purpose of this blog: to learn to listen to Jesus. Way back in Mark 9 at a momentous event in the earthly life of Jesus, God comes down and meets with Jesus in His manhood and 3 disciples on top of a mountain, so symbolically significant, paralleling the meeting with Moses on Mt Sinai. God, at that moment in history has a short 10 word message for the disciples and for all of us who come after them. Mark 9:7b “This is My Son, whom I love. Listen to Him!” In John ch 10 Jesus reminds the disciples 3 times that his sheep know His voice and listen to Him because He knows them and they know Him, in other words they have a living relationship with Him and therefore they know and hear His voice..

So let’s listen to Jesus as He speaks in many ways to us: the underlying and undergirding way is through the scriptures. But remembering to listen for His voice through them. Then there are many other ways like through music, through the creation, through a quiet word to you, if you can drown out the clamour of the world, through that loving nudge when you want make an angry retort or embellish a story, or that gentle reminder to phone someone, or make a visit, take a meal or give some money. You are all good at this, nevertheless it is an area that I believe we can always continue grow in.

So let’s do it – let’s continue to learn to “Listen to Jesus”.

Damascus, a Turning Point.

Well friends I hope you are growing in your ability to listen and hear Jesus speaking to you personally and that it is giving you a greater intimacy with Him. Today I had been imagining all the different characteristics of God and then I head Him.

“Yes Ian, I am all those things that you were imagining – totally omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, holy and pure and totally love – yes, in the great and grand scheme of things you may feel completely insignificant by comparison – yet, in My plan and My grace, I determined you and your role from before time – I brought you into the world in a family with a history – and I planned your whole journey to the fulfilment of My purpose. As you look and see the mire and the mud of a broken and rebellious world around you, there is a flower rising, a most beautiful flower, with all the colours of the rainbow which I created, it is rising and growing up and up, larger and larger and more beautiful – rising to the highest heavens – that is My bride and you are part of that multitude whom I am rescuing from the mire and awfulness of sin and rebellion in this broken world, which appears to be disintegrating because of my judgement curse – but remember and remember this clearly, this is My creation and I love it dearly – I love it and everyone in it and I am rescuing a remnant, all those who have chosen to follow Me – I have given each one of you a free will – yet I am still in control – you cannot understand it, yet it is true – so rejoice and be glad – enjoy Me, enjoy your role and keep looking up at Me not down at the mire around you”.

My reading today is Acts 9:1-19, the oh so well-known story of Saul’s conversion on the road to Damascus. Known so well that even in the lay mouth, having a Damascus experience describes an experience of discovery, revelation and following a new course. This conversion seems so totally from God, that I and I am sure many others have so wished God would give it to a recalcitrant and rebellious loved one. While the story leaves no doubt that it is totally from God, one should remember that Saul had actually been prepared for this. He must have heard numerous testimonies from the Christians whom he was persecuting and deep down in his mind there must have been a stirring. Late at night questions. Could this message actually be true? Nah! But are you sure?

The other thing that strikes me on reading this today, is what Jesus said to him in in vs 16. What would you choose to say to someone whom you wish to call to a much higher and more noble task? What would you say? “I will show you how much you must suffer”? Is that the best way to get someone motivated? But Jesus has other plans and they seem to involve the very choice of this most famous ambassador of Christianity. Remember the words to the woman caught in sin, from Jesus “he who is forgiven much, loves much”. And Saul, after he became Paul was so aware of the awfulness of his deeds and the great well of forgiveness that was poured over him (1 Tim 1:16), it was probably the great motivating factor for his life of service to his beloved Jesus.

So surely God chose this man and formed him for this specific task, preparing him for the great teaching task, as he was destined to lay down a large part of the New Testament, by raising him up in a tradition where he was steeped in the Old Testament scriptures. Furthermore using his fiery determination for God, as he saw it was necessary, to prepare him for this huge release from the guilt of what he had done. These factors all worked together to make this man one of the greatest figures in scripture.

And the promise of persecution? Clearly this was the first step in preparing him for what was to come during his years of ministry.

Listening to Jesus I am reminded again of God’s complete souvereignty and vast plan covering the aeons working towards the “telos” or completion which He has planned and is planning, just as He spoke to me earlier. And yes God is the One who saves, He is the One who gives life to the dead, but and this is so important, He nevertheless wants our desire and us to choose. How this works I don’t know, but it tells me to keep praying for my lost loved ones and then continue being a witness to His love and so putting my trust in Him completely for the outcome. Will someone have another Damascus experience? No two people are alike, and God has a unique plan for each one. No one size fits all.

What a God we serve, hallelujah, I cast myself before Him!

Simon – a False Shadow of Messiah?

I look up and see a huge waterfall cascading down a breathtaking precipice, tons of water swirling and churning, spray flying – pouring down into a torrent which is powering its way through a deep canyon – the water mighty and powerful: “The waterfall represents My word and My power released through it – you are being washed by water and the word – the torrent represents My purposes in the world – My purposes are rushing forth across the world like the power of the water in the canyon – but My torrent is spreading over the whole world and it is rushing to a conclusion – it is working out my purposes – they cannot be thwarted – there is much evil – but the victory has already been won – “the battle belongs to the Lord” – you will be part of that victory – look up at the mountain from whence comes the mighty waterfall and see Me and worship Me. You may feel at times as if you are being swept along by the torrent – everything feels out of control – you feel you are drowning – but don’t fear I am holding you I am working out My purposes and the powers that are being unleashed are far beyond your understanding – just worship Me and allow yourself exhilarating freedom in the torrent”.

My reading today is Acts 8:4-25. This is an enigmatic passage about which much has been written and many arguments made. As I seek to hear Jesus I must try and put that all out of my mind and see what He is saying to me afresh, while sticking to Luke’s flow of thought in writing it.

This is an important new phase in the spread of the Gospel, as it is taken beyond the borders of Israel for the first time. As I ponder the passage I find myself coming back to the figure of Simon. Most people who write about this passage are so busy trying to figure out the apparent contradictions about receiving the Holy Spirit in this passage with others elsewhere, that they give very little space to Simon, who then becomes a sort of peripheral figure. But of the 21 verses in the passage Simon takes up 13; more than half. So why has his story been included and what does it contribute to the bigger picture of the spread of he gospel? Mmmm, Lord please help.

So who is Simon? He was an important figure in the community of Samaria. He had what appears to be pseudo-supernatural, magical powers and was actually almost worshiped as the “Great Power”. When he saw the centrality of his importance waning in the face of this new religion, where there were real supernatural signs being done, he decided that the best way forward was to join the disciples and somehow acquire the power to dispense the Holy Spirit, whom he perceived was clearly central to the new power that was being released among the community. Peter, however saw through this and called him to repent of his wickedness.

So what is the significance of his story fitting in here? My mind goes to the statement Jesus made, reported for instance in Mark 13:22; “for false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect – if that were possible”. Although Simon is not claiming to be a Christ, is Luke not holding him, up as he has done so many times before as a sharp contrast to highlight the real gospel and at the same time as a warning to the reader of the danger of being taken in by false professions of faith and false claims?

Today as I ponder this passage I feel I am being reminded of the danger of being dragged down false paths, to take my eyes off the only Messiah. I am led again to 1 John 4:1-6 to remind myself of “how to test the spirits”. A strong warning to be vigilant at all times, as for instance when we recently had a questionable prophecy loaded onto our WhatsApp group, by a well-meaning friend, so attractive to believe..

I also smiled as I recollected an experience I had after I had spoken at a “Christian Woman’s Club” meeting, many years ago at the Kloof Neck restaurant. After I had spoken I invited anyone who wanted to find out more about the gospel to come to one side. Presently a tall, well-dressed, rather attractive lady walked up to me and planted herself in front of me. Without introducing herself she looked me straight in the eye and said to me “I want what you’ve got”. I felt a wonderful opening to explain the gospel and how she would receive the Holy Spirit, who she had apparently seen in me, if she believed. Starting to explain, she cut me short with “I am not interested in all that, you have got something and I just want that”. My thoughts slid to Simon and I thought, all she is not doing is offering me money. She was followed up but never showed any interest in Jesus or His gospel simply wanting the power and presence of the Holy Spirit whom she had seen.

The Holy Spirit cannot be peddled nor handed out, He is the most precious gift that Jesus gives as part of the New Covenant promise to change our hearts so that we will have a new power to live for Him when we believe and are born-again. Lets us rejoice and enjoy Him and be very careful of false information and misleading advice on how to receive Him.

Stephen’s Defense – How does it speak to us?

This morning I feel a little like Peter must have felt on the mount of transfiguration where he was so overwhelmed by the wonder and joy of the presence of the transfigured Jesus that he wanted to build a shelter so that he could just remain there in His presence. He was totally overawed by His presence. So as I sang “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face …. turn your eyes to the hillside where He hung on the cross…..turn your eyes to the heavens from where He will come again, I look up at the heavens and in the clouds I see the the outline of a figure – vague and mysterious – the clouds swirling and floating around the figure and I hear a voice “Just like this cloud I cover the whole earth – cover it with My warmth and protection – there is nowhere that I am not present, soak up my love – allow Me to fuse you into one with Me – I want to give to you, I want to give you the Bread of life – Myself – I want to give you the bread, which is every word that I speak to you – I want to give you the bread of friendship from Myself but also through My other children – just be still, be quiet and listen to Me”.

Today I will deal with Acts ch 7. This is a long and complex speech and I could write a chapter in a book about it, but that is not our purpose here. So I want us to try and pick up the main themes of the speech and find what Jesus is saying to us through it. So why don’t you scan through it yourself first, but before you do here is a pointer. In Acts 6:13 there is an accusation made against Stephen and so this speech is primarily his defense. The accusation is basically made against two aspects of what Stephen had been preaching. Can you see them? They accuse him of speaking against the temple and against the law. Now read chapter 7 and see if you can follow the thread of his defense. Don’t get hung up and tied down in the detail but just scan the main points of what he is saying in respect of these two subjects.

At that time the Jews regarded the temple as a sort of Icon which they held in almost more reverence than God Himself. The temple was built, as Stephen reminds the listeners, by Solomon and even at its dedication 1 Kings 8:27, Solomon had recognized that no place could contain God Himself (Acts 7:48 ff). And we know that it was Jesus Himself who said that his body would replace the temple (John 2:19-22). So Stephen in his defense shows how God met Abraham and Moses in various places, even at one time (Acts 7:33) telling Moses that where he was standing was holy ground (Acts 7:33). So the temple is not the only place that the people could meet with God. Everywhere we meet with God is holy. In fact to underline this fact Jesus prophesied what would later be fulfilled – the destruction of the Temple and Jerusalem with it. Of course the original place of worship had been a tent (Tabernacle) (Acts 7:44) which reflected the idea of our impermanence on earth, we are pilgrims as it were.

In His defense against the charge about the law, Stephen makes a point of showing his respect for Moses the mediator of the Law. Of course we know that Jesus had made it clear way back in the Sermon On The Mount that He had come to fulfill the law not abolish it (Mat 5:17). What He was in fact teaching, clearly was that the whole OT points forward Him, who He is and His ministry. Stephen then goes over to the attack( Acts 7:37), pointing out that Moses had prophesied about the coming of Jesus and yet from the beginning the people had rejected Moses and his ministry and the law, turning to other gods and astrology, and killing the prophets who foretold the events which were unfolding now. In fact ending by showing them that they were actually the one’s who were breaking the law Acts 7:53.

So he ends his defense with the harsh words of condemnation in Acts 7:51ff reminding them that their real problem was one of rebellion. I suppose one can say that you can understand how this made the people angry enough to kill him, but is that not the problem of the whole world that rejects God? And for Lilly, that is why they were so angry with Stephen, because he showed up the truth to them.

There is obviously more in the passage from which Jesus may have spoken to you, but this is, as I see it the main thrust of the passage. Now, important, what is Jesus saying to you today from this long passage?

In line with His word to me earlier it seemed He was underlining to me the importance of the fact that He is everywhere, through His Spirit. There is no place that is more holy than any other. We may experience a nearness to Him more in some places, like I do in my little “altar room”, but He is everywhere I go. There is so much fuss made about Jerusalem nowadays, and while we have absolute compassion with all the people there and know there is a huge spiritual warfare going on, nevertheless, God is not more present there than elsewhere. It is no more the spiritual capital of the world, ever since the Jews rejected Jesus.

The second point I felt He was saying to me is a very strong reminder that Jesus is the central point of the whole bible. The whole OT points forward to Him and from the beginning of Acts the message flares out to the whole world. This almost drowns me in the realization of the depth of God’s word.

As usual, if you have specific questions about this passage please let’s hear them and talk about them.

The Mystery of the Battle, God Uses it for Growth.

Be Still and know that I am God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Jesus is here with you. ‘Speak Lord your servant is listening.’

“Stand at the foot of the cross and look up – at the figure hanging there – I have done that for you – not only to have your sins forgiven – but to give you a totally new life – from the moment I poured my Spirit on you, the direction of your life changed. You have been taken up spiritually into the heavenly realms – where you have received every spiritual blessing in Me (Jesus) – yet physically you remain in the world where the battle for the souls of men rages on – but take heart, I have overcome. Only keep alert, because the enemy is all around – keep putting on My spiritual armour. The helmet, let him not cause you to doubt your salvation – that is where he seeks to weaken you – weaken your resolve, weaken your faith. Then put on the shield – I am your shield, remember your new identity, you are now “in Jesus” – remind yourself of that as he seeks to send fiery darts at you, whispers of ‘did He really mean – when He said that?’ so that you are tempted to doubt Me, My love, My purposes for you. Nothing can change that, that is secure, just wait in expectation to see what I have in mind for you .”

My reading today is from Acts 6:8-15. What can the Lord have to say to me today from this apparently straight-forward passage? To rehearse the context I remember that the story of the new church is moving forward at a great pace, thousand of new converts, due to the witness of the apostles and the miraculous signs they were performing, which authenticated their message. There had been opposition, mainly from the local religious establishment, but which the apostles took as a blessing that they “had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name” Acts 5:41. The story moves up a gear now, after some housekeeping in the church to achieve order.(Acts 6:1-7)

Stephen had been chosen as one of the men “full of faith and the holy Spirit” (vs 3) to wait on tables, in the previous section. He is shown here actively witnessing. Now friends why don’t you read this section and ask Jesus to help you to understand what He was saying to the early readers and what He is saying to you today.

OK, so it is obvious that Stephen is faced by a new opposition. I find the description of this group interesting. They were Jewish proselytes, yet came from various other ethnic nationalities. I stop and wonder how often division in the church is caused by factors, like social standing and ethnicity, other than doctrine. These folk were not Christian or part of the new church but, through their actions, they were trying to block its growth. To make it worse they used deceitful and dishonest means to discredit Stephen, who, through the wisdom and power of the Spirit, had left them unable to answer him.

So what is going on here Jesus? Why is this obvious opposition intruding on the growth of the gospel cf 6:7? I know already (maybe I shouldn’t) that Stephen is about to be executed. So why do we have this rollercoaster ride in the new church?

I remember a little picture in a discipleship book I used to use with the students. It was a picture of an aeroplane. Yes, you see the message is that an aeroplane can only take off against the wind. So in His wisdom then and over the centuries God has used opposition as a spur to growth. A stimulant as it were to let us take off and soar. And of course who is behind the opposition? The enemy. So the word from the Lord to me becomes suddenly so much more relevant. Don’t be surprised by opposition, nor be disheartened. God is absolutely in control of the war and the outcome is already determined, but the battles rage on all over the place. While the enemy seeks to divide and destroy the main purpose of God is spurring growth of individual Christians and of the Church. Amen? Amen.

Let’s all then keep actively reminding ourselves of the battle, so that we will remember who the real enemy is and not become disheartened by difficulties, knowing they are God’s tools to bring us to trust Him more and more.

Judgement! – Why don’t we Talk About It?

“Judgement – to understand My judgement you must first understand My righteousness – I do everything perfectly right – My thoughts, My actions everything about Me is perfectly right – hence ‘righteousness’. Now everything – hear Me – everything that is not perfectly right is under My judgement. Now that is serious – my judgement is serious, therefore to demonstrate that, I have pronounced the death penalty on all sin – ALL SIN – all those who cannot live and act perfectly righteously like Me, are under the death penalty – serious ! That is why Jesus had to die – He took that death penalty upon Himself – so that you could be declared righteous – despite your errant thoughts and behaviour – once you are ‘in Jesus’ you are free – free from My judgement – declared righteous – because of HIS behaviour and action.

Now – My judgement is not negative – because My judgement is actually aimed at getting people – all sinful people – to turn to Me – to flee to Jesus for rescue – that is the message of the whole Old Testament – I kept judging My people because they had given their hearts elsewhere My aim was and still is – to this day to turn them back to me. Now the only way they and everyone else under My judgement can escape is by coming to Jesus – for forgiveness – complete forgiveness, so that they too can be declared righteous.

My reading today is in Acts 5:1-11. This should be read in conjunction with Acts 4:32-37, which I read yesterday. The section in ch 4 describes the outworking of the Holy Spirit on the new community of believers which were forming the foundation of the church, God’s new kingdom here on earth. One aspect which is highlighted there is the way that people cared for each other’s needs and how the working of the Spirit caused a wave of generosity to sweep over them, as the people were filled with a sense of unity and compassion.

So this ‘awe-ful’ story in Acts 5 sets the reader back in shock. Amongst all the love that was being shown was this really the same God who now caused these two people to be punished by death? Firstly note vs 3: “Satan has so filled your heart, that you lied to the Holy Spirit”. Shades of Luke 22:3 “Then Satan entered Judas”. Judas was also one of the “inner circle”. But why this severe punishment, so openly demonstrating God’s judgement, when apparently far ‘worse sins’ are committed daily to-day without any apparent consequences?

I take it that the answer lies way back in Genesis ch 3, when Adam sinned and God pronounced His judgement on him and all mankind after that. See Genesis 3:22 b “he (the man- Adam) must not be allowed to reach out his hand and also take from the tree of life and live forever” and vs 23,24 which makes this final “So the Lord God banished him from the the Garden of Eden……After He drove him out, He placed on the East side of the Garden of Eden Cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard he way to the tree of life”. Highly symbolic but he meaning is clear – death had entered the idyll, for the first time. Death was to be the ultimate punishment for sin. A visible, daily reminder of God’s absolute abhorrence for sin.

So now, here in Acts we have a “new beginning” a new Genesis (which means beginnings), as the church is being formed. And God is reminding the people then and ever after that, although the restoration of the kingdom has come, it will only be completed when Jesus comes again and in the interim, in the time described as “now but not yet”, there is still going to be sin and the judgement and punishment for sin is still exactly the same as in the beginning.

Notice too that this event happened in the church. Shades of 1 Peter 4:17; “For it is the time for judgement to begin with the family of God.” So just because we can’t see it being graphically carried out like it was then, it doesn’t mean that it is not happening in God’s own way all the time.

lastly note the effect of this judgement on the community and the the church: vs 5b “And great fear seized all who heard what had happened”. vs 11 “great fear seized the whole church and all who heard of these events”. An Awe-filled church and a community who had a new respect for Almighty God. Maybe that is what the church and the world needs more of today, instead of trying to explain away events which suggest God’s judgement.

For me today, I feel this is a great spur to the wonder at what Jesus has done for me and all other believers, in setting me free from God’s ultimate judgement which is pictured by death, demonstrating the final separation, that which is the main effect of God’s ultimate judgment in the hereafter. And a new sense of awe at His person and His presence. The Greek word here is ‘phobos’ from which comes phobia, being a mixture of pure awe and fear

So friends how much awe do you feel when you contemplate the revelation of God in His Word and His works we see around us?

The Nations Rage – but the Witness goes out.

The song is “Your love is like an ocean”. I see and imagine myself in the middle of the ocean – surrounded on all sides – as far as the eye can see – the light reflecting in multiple colours on the waves, dancing and twinkling – beckoning me – encouraging me – God’s love – immeasurably immense, totally engulfing me. Then the Lord speaks: “My love is so much more – it is warm, it embraces you on all sides – feel my love, feel my heart-beat – I am for you – yes I am for you – the Creator of the universe, I am for you – who can be – who can stand against you? – So even in trials when you feel opposition – it is only because I have allowed it – for your benefit – Just remember as you experience My love – you are also experiencing an impervious shield, on the one hand totally unyielding to the outside and on the other soft, yielding, embracing, warming, encouraging – filling you with My presence on the inside”.

I have reached Ch 4 in Acts as the “witness” spreads in Jerusalem, firstly among the priests (Acts 6:7), that is the ordinary priests not the Chief Priest and his gang. Today I am reading Acts 4:23-31 This passage follows the healing of the beggar and the speech before the Sanhedran, who, after jailing them, are forced to release the disciples, because of their popularity with the crowd and the very evidence of the healed beggar, present among them. Almost hidden in the script is the remark: “..and they took note that they (the disciples) had been with Jesus”. (vs 13 b) I wonder when outsiders have to do with me, or with any of us, if they will be led to make a similar remark. That’s witness.

Today’s reading concentrates on the report back of the disciples and their prayer meeting which follows.. Firstly they focus on Psalm 2. The question is “why do the nations rage and the people plot in vain?” so I go and dig in Psalm 2. The question is rhetorical, it seems The psalm is clearly pointing to to the coming of the “Anointed One” and the general attitude of the people of the world towards Him. They seem to perceive that He has them chained and they desire to break the chains – breaking contact with Him. Yet God laughs at them and their efforts and warns of His wrath – if they don’t turn to Him and serve Him – “Kiss the Son”. What a beautiful picture of love, acceptance and service.

So the conspiracy of Herod and crew vs 27, is a reflection of this ancient world-view, which looked ahead so prophetically. Yet and this is the main point – vs 28 “they were only doing what God’s power and will had decided beforehand should happen”. Mmmmm.

So as the prayer group continues, their prayer is that God would give them the words and enable them to speak the word boldly ie Witness effectively as the opportunity arose. I love the closing vs as it describes the joy and the reality of the presence of the Holy Spirit filling them and shaking the place. I have sometimes longed to feel the place shake as we have prayed, yet there was a huge task ahead of them with much hardship and the temptation to turn back, which has never faced me or any group I have been part of, so they needed and deserved the extra assurance given so vividly.

So what does God mean when He has shown me the extent of His mighty love for me and now a reminder of the difficulties and opposition of the world? Well one thing is clear from the passage, the way ahead may not be known by me but it is mapped out by God and His promise is that nothing will happen to me outside of what He allows. But there is one incontrovertible fact and that is that the world is still in opposition to Jesus. Not to religion, not to static churches nor to lazy uncommitted “Christians”, but to the witness of Jesus and who He is and what He has done for us. And I am called and so are each one of you called to continue the witness to Jesus in the world. I can only do that as I continue to “be with Jesus” on a daily basis so that I reflect Him and His love.

As I soak all this in I am taken again by the mighty responsibility of being a true witness and yet the huge encouragement of the huge and warm love of My Creator.

Hallelujah – the New Age has come.

“Hallelujah – sing Hallelujah – sing praises to Me – let this mark your week – All over the world there are tens of thousands, no millions of people who are rejoicing in Me – people in most difficult circumstances, hardship, poverty, sickness, having been deserted, lonely, grieving – many who still want to praise Me. So that is what I am doing – gathering a people who want to place Me first in their lives and sing hallelujah. they will be at home in My heaven. At the same time draw near to me where you can hear My heartbeat, like an infant child feels its mother’s heartbeat – and receive My love, receive everything I want to give you – as My Spirit works – love, passion, purity of thought, My holiness – be other-people centered this week as always and I will take you along the path I have chosen for you”.

Conscious of the emphasis on singing Hallelujah, I look up Revelation 19 and WOW! Just read it for yourselves.

Now I have been reading Acts chapter 3 for the last two days and here are a few thoughts that have struck me. Remember this is not a complete commentary.

Firstly the healing of the crippled beggar has a deeper dimension than just a healing miracle, which is of course fantastic. Turn to Isaiah 35:6 and look at the signs of the New Age that are predicted there. The age which turns out later to be the gospel age, the age of the New Covenant. So by placing this miracle right at the beginning of the story of the Church, Luke wants to remind us of the launching of a totally New Age. The age of New Wineskins, the age of the acts of the Holy Spirit through the Apostles. Notice that this person would be regarded as the least in the world of Israel and its just there that God starts working. In the end everyone in the kingdom will be singing Hallelujah together on an equal basis.

Of course this incident acts as a catalyst to the opportunity for Peter to be a witness by preaching the Gospel. Notice also how Peter emphasizes the fact that the whole Old Testament points forward to this time.

vs 16 is a bit enigmatic. How did the beggar receive faith. It is clear that God gave him faith. “It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him ….” So it seems just the very act of obeying the apostle’s instruction to stand was a sign that he was believing and accepting the gift of healing he was receiving. It has been described as “active acceptance.”

Peter’s word to the people is ‘repent then and times of refreshing may come to you’ confirming the sign of the cripple. Then further on “Moses said ‘The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like Me from among your own people; you MUST LISTEN TO HIM'”. Sound familiar?

And then at the end of the chapter he repeats the promise God made to Abraham in Gen 12, and qualifies the promise of blessing made to Abraham with “When God raised up His servant, he sent Him first to you to bless you by turning each of you from your wicked ways”. So from that, the coming under God’s blessing under the New dispensation is commensurate with receiving forgiveness and turning from your wicked ways.

So what do I hear? A reminder of the importance of ‘listening to Jesus’. The way to blessing is taking from Him what He gives me as I turn from my wicked ways. I need to be reminded every day of these steps forward under His blessing which is only available to me ‘in Jesus’.

A reminder to me to be alert to any opportunity God may give me to speak out as a witness both in words and action.

And then a reminder of the importance of realizing the urgency of the moment in the light of the promise of the return of Jesus vs 21. Of course the New Age will only be fully consummated when He comes again, at the moment we are still living in the ‘now but not yet’ phase.

So let us spend this week ‘singing hallelujah’ in practice for the New World we will soon enter.

Kingdom Community.

In my mind’s eye i see a huge cloud – rising and billowing up from the earth – beautiful colours, yellow, orange, green, blue, indigo … swirling and churning and then in the middle I see a faint image – the image of a figure on a cross. “Yes Ian – what you see has made it possible for you to hear Me and see My face – I told Moses no-one can see My face and live – but through the work of Jesus on the cross the curtain in the temple has been torn and you can now look on Me ‘in Jesus’ and hear My voice through Him”

As I look the cloud starts to billow and spread. “Do you see how the cloud is spreading and covering everything – that represents My Spirit who I have sent out to cover the whole world, so that every people-group, every person in the world can know Me. I am everywhere, from the darkest places of suffering, pain, hardship and poverty to the mountain-top experience of My immediate presence . Every person is different, every person in the whole world is an individual with a path I have designed for them – no two are exactly alike – but they all lead together to the huge stream of people moving to My heaven and My presence. I have created this diversity – I have created all the quirks and differences – I have done it for My sake that I can enjoy all mankind, made by Me in My image – which is so incredibly diverse – beautiful like a kaleidoscope which cannot be described, only enjoyed.”

Lord what is happening in Israel? “The conflict is a continuation of my judgement on them for rejecting their Messiah, which was pictured in AD 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem – BUT the purpose of my judgement is not meant for total destruction but ultimately to get many to turn to Me and see Me as their true Messiah and join the mighty throng of the kingdom of God – in the meantime when you pray for them – remember there are many Christians, my beloved children, among the Arabs as well – pray for them with equal fervour”.

Reading is Acts 2:37-47. Once again a very well known section, what will Jesus say?

One word stands out: “Saved” vs 21 Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved. Vs 40 b: Save yourselves from this corrupt generation. Vs 47 And the Lord added to their number daily those who where being saved. With the great focus on the pouring out of the Holy Spirit and the institution of the Church, it is perhaps possible to miss what God was doing in Jesus. The individual members of the new church (the new Israel) had to be saved and the pouring out of the Spirit was part of that. But what was happening to each one? The Greek word for “saved” is “sozo” which means far more than the English translation “saved”. It means being made complete, it is often translated in the NT as “healed”. It means being made into a complete, whole, healed person, healed from past corruption and brought into the Kingdom of God to demonstrate the full glory of His creation..

What is also interesting is that the action of each person is vital – “call on the Name of the Lord” and “save yourselves…” yet the summary at the end shows clearly that ultimately it is God’s work, His action that does the saving – hence “the Lord added to their number”.

Secondly the description of the new community is a picture of what the saved community looked like. I love this picture and have preached on it a number of times, but today what struck me was that it is not PREscriptive but DEscriptive. It is the beautiful outworking of the magnificent joy of those who were being saved and filled with the Spirit. That means that this can be experienced and demonstrated in many ways in different cultures and communities. I have found subconsciously myself perhaps looking a little down on the way other cultures express their new communities when they are different to my strict Western style and in the light of what God said to me earlier I should instead be ready to embrace a much broader and more vibrant picture of God’s kingdom as His Spirit works in each culture and each person, bringing out their real character as they were created for God so that He can appreciate them and enjoy them in all the huge diversity of His creation.

As I sit back and imbibe what I have read and experienced this morning, the absolute joy of being part of this huge community in all its diversity washes over me. Thank you and praise You Lord for making me and bringing me into your family.