Ian as you are sitting in the quiet at the beginning of a new day and a new year, let us launch into it on a path of continued growth, a path of discovery and delight, a path where joy shines through even when there are dark clouds on the horizon. My desire for you is that more and more of the real Ian I created will shine through as you discover more of yourself – but not in isolation – in relation to me. Your real self the true Ian can only be shown as it is revealed in your personal interaction with me. It is My delight to lead you, to teach you to shake off your fears and doubts and trust me fully. So welcome on this path in 2025 which we shall tackle together.
A new year! Considering the implications and challenge to look ahead at what to expect in this coming year and what I should write today, my eye fell on a passage in a devotion from the You bible app. “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See I am doing a new thing”. Isaiah 43:18,19.
Wow! How appropriate. My pulse quickened, then alarm bells started ringing. This is a promise way back in the Old Testament and should not, without due diligence be taken to apply to us directly. So, briefly how should we read it correctly?
Firstly, the context. This comes from the section in Isaiah called “the Servant songs”. God has been calling out His people for their continued disobedience, warning them of all sorts of judgement. In the midst of this He brings a ray of hope. Central to that hope is the Suffering Servant of ch 53, who will bring forgiveness of all their rebellion and sins. This is a promise to the nation of Israel, not an individual.
It is a promise of a New Covenant 42:6, and a promise of a pouring out of God’s Spirit 44:3b. which will be part of that. A forgiveness of sin and the power to live the life of one, born again into a new kingdom, a worldwide kingdom not limited to one special nation. This is then a revelation to Israel of God’s ultimate plan which would only be set in motion hundreds of years later.
So how should we read it correctly from our perspective of being part of this New Covenant? Firstly we should be enormously grateful to be part of this event which we just celebrated the launching of at Christmas. Jesus remains central to our hope of a new life which we can enjoy in Him. This should provoke a huge sense of wonder and thanks that we are not still trapped in sin as those people of the Old Covenant were.
What will 2025 hold for us? Only our Lord knows, but we go into it with the assurance of His love, protection and guidance because of this New Covenant and our participation in it and while there is no specific promise of something new for each one of us, there is the promise of a continual renewal on a daily basis as we walk with Him.
This is the promise of a faithful God who will always honour His promises and can be trusted completely. My wish for each one of you at the brink of a new year is that the reality of Jesus and His work for you on the cross may become brighter each day whether in times of pure joy or dark clouds. That will be the very best thing for each one of us.
See you all again next week back in John.
Lord Jesus Christ, our eternal source of Light and Joy, ” And if i go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to Myself, that where I AM you may be also.” John 14.3 All the promises of our Holy Lord are true in Christ. GLORY, power, authority and dominion be to our Holy Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever 🙏 Amen