The New Wine of the New Covenant.

Amazing love how can it be that thou found out me?

“I did not need to go seeking for you as if I did not know where you were. I created you in the place where I had planned for you to start your life. Your whole life’s plan was in My hand from the beginning. Yet I stood back and allowed you to explore. Yet, you were never far from me and although you were spiritually lost, as it were – you were always in place where I had planned for you to be. When I stepped in and woke you up to my Presence and turned your life around – I welcomed you as one who had returned from the dead. Today you continue to still be part of My plan and I am as close as a brother to you – just as I am to every other believer out there. Enjoy my Presence and My Company as I enjoy yours”.

Our adventure continues today in John 2:1-11. This section describes the well-known miracle of Jesus turning water into wine. Most people know it superficially as His first miracle, but there is much symbolism in this passage which gives it more meaning.

Firstly, the wedding. The picture of marriage is used throughout the scriptures to describe God’s desired relationship with His people. In the OT the people were often accused of committing adultery when they worshiped foreign gods. The New Covenant heralds a new beginning and Jesus is referred to as the bridegroom by John the Baptist in 3:29. Ultimately when time is brought to a close, we are told of an event, “The Marriage Supper of the Lamb”, describing the ultimate completion of God’s great plan. Here we have a wedding looking forward to these exciting events starting to unfold.

The picture of changing water into wine also tells the story that the wine of the New Covenant (Jer 31:12) is replacing the water of the Old. Wine representing vitality, flavour and power, compared to the powerless, tasteless water of the OT. In Mark Jesus speaks of putting New Wine into New Wine skins. So, this chapter acts as an acted parable introducing the fact that Jesus, the Messiah is introducing the Messianic age.

Furthermore, we have His statement in 2:4 where He says, “My time has not yet come”. This statement is repeated several times as the gospel unfolds (cf 7:6, 8, 30; 8:20) then in 12:33, 13:1, 17:1, as His passion approaches, he changes to say, “The hour has now come”. It appears he was trying not to be too visible before the time for his crucifixion had come. Yet He was clear when that would happen eventually.

The last remark I want to make is that the NIV does not clearly indicate quite how abrupt his answer to his mother is in 2:4. This is a reminder that for her to achieve eternal life she would have to, like everyone else come to a point of putting her faith in Jesus. For this reason, it appears that he purposefully is drawing slightly away from her. It is not because of lack of love because remember how he tells John while he is dying on the cross to look after his mother, but He needs her to realize that a mother – son relationship is not going to get her into the kingdom.

Having said all that, we must also accept the wonderful and obvious theme of the story where Jesus is willing to be involved in the most mundane areas of our lives, like a wedding.

This is also the first of the miraculous signs which prove that Jesus is who He said He was. (John 20:30,31.)

So, what was Jesus saying to me from this passage. The wonder of the whole plan of God and the revelation of the coming of the New Covenant age remain a great encouragement to my faith. The detailed care and concern by Jesus of the people, including His mother, also gives me much comfort and assurance of not only His greater plan for the world but for each one of us personally. It was also a reminder that the greater purpose of Jesus was to die on our behalf on the cross, which He obviously recognized from the beginning. Thus, dealing with our greatest need – salvation and forgiveness of our sins.

God bless. See you next week after you have voted.

3 Replies to “The New Wine of the New Covenant.”

  1. I only wish to add Revelations 22. 17 because this verse is so vital and important for my soil. .” The Spirit .and the bride say , ” Cone” . And let the one who is thirsty come, let the one who desires take the water of life without price ” The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with all! Amen

  2. Grace and peace from our Holy Lord in Christ Elections in South Africa ” And He died for all that those who live might no longer live for themselves but for Him who for their sake died and was raised ” 3 Corinthians 5. 15

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