Responses to Jesus’s Teaching.

Oh Lord, how majestic is your Name, I am completely humbled at the thought of your mighty Majesty, power, wisdom and not least your (chesed) love.

” Ian look up to the heavens and see the multitude of stars in the sky. Each one has been crafted by Me. I know the properties and idiosyncrasies of each one – yet against that vast backdrop I have made a Home for you on Earth. That home is designed with you and your brothers and sisters in mind– To fit you and to fit My plan completely. It is good that you are filled with wonder and want to worship Me – but maybe the most amazing fact is that I have cared so much for you all that I sent my Son to die on the cross to make it possible to be at peace with Me and carry on a relationship with Me. Receive all this by faith and wonder and enjoy my Presence with you.“

We are in John chapter 6 from verse 60. Last week we saw how Jesus escalated His teaching about being the bread of life to revealing that it would be necessary for every disciple to eat of his body and his blood, if they are to have a relationship with Him into all eternity (vv 53-56). Today we see what the response of the folk that had followed him up to now was.

In verse 60 the disciples said that this is a hard teaching, according to the NIV. A better translation may be that they were disgusted by his teaching. Now we need to ask ourselves why they were disgusted and why they found this teaching so unacceptable. Going back to verse 26 we remember that Jesus accused the people of simply following him for what they could get out of him. This followed after he had fed the 5000 miraculously and it seemed that this idea of a miraculous provision was sufficient to attract many people.

in verse 53 Jesus escalates the concept of him being THE bread that they should eat. Bread would indicate sustenance. Now he starts speaking of them eating his body and drinking his blood. This speaks of death. He is introducing the fact that his mission is much more than just revealing his ability to provide sustenance. To complete his mission He would have to die. What is more this was not an esoteric idea. It was something that his followers would have to take to heart and participate in. While Jesus spoke these words it is probable that the majority, if not all those who follow him would not have understood the full implications of what He was saying. So why were they so disgusted?

Jesus was doing what He often did, that is to use physical lessons to teach spiritual truths. One of our greatest problems is to be able to understand spiritual things which we cannot see. Yet as we read this passage today we must understand that the real lesson is spiritual. Those original disciples may have had a much greater difficulty in relating the physical to the spiritual than us. So being told that they would have to eat His flesh and drink His blood must have brought pictures of cannibalism to mind.

Even His chosen 12 were mostly slow to really understand the full meaning of His teaching. We should not be too hard on them though because we ourselves are mostly slow to understand. Sometimes even things which should be quite obvious. There is a dimension in the spiritual which requires His revelation for us to fully grasp the meaning and we need to be ready to respond to what He is saying to receive the full revelation.

In verse 61 we are once again told that the disciples were grumbling. This attitude of dissatisfaction reveals the opposite of faith and an open mind to receive Jesus’s revelation. As the chapter comes to the conclusion we see that many of the disciples are disillusioned and stop following him. He challenges his own disciples who confirmed that they won’t turn away. In the process we can see how fully Jesus knew all these people when he warns that there is one of the 12 who would later betray him.

Now friends, one of the prominent lessons from this passage is a reminder that there are many who appear to follow Jesus as long as it suits them. The church is probably full of people like that. When difficulties arise these people turn away from Jesus in disappointment because they had the wrong expectations from him. I had to examine again my own expectations from my relationship with Jesus to be sure that I don’t fall into that category even in a small way.

Another important reminder in this chapter is the danger of grumbling along with others who you feel that you agree with. The reminder here is that when we grumble we are demonstrating the fact that we don’t really believe that the circumstances that we are experiencing are completely providential from God. It is often the most visible symptom of a lack of faith.

The story of the path to the cross was one which was obviously going to be very difficult for those disciples to understand and to appreciate. I suppose it is the one aspect of Christianity which puts many people off from believing in him. We should never be tempted to play down the importance of the cross because that is the the key moment in the whole of the gospel and in history in general. Without the cross there is no Christianity.

God bless till next week. Enjoy the Spring.

2 Replies to “Responses to Jesus’s Teaching.”

  1. “So Jesus sand to them,: Truly,, truly I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of thr Son Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you. Whomever feeds on My flesh and drinks My blood has eternal life and I will raise him on the last day.” John 6 .53. 54. Glorious words. Grace upon Grace ! Our Holy Lord’s words are truly Spirit and Life! Our souls have to be fed with the invisible , unchangeable Life and spiritual truth of Christ. ” For in Him the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily” Colossians 2 . 9 unfathomable, glorious GRACE, when we received Christ, not only will we have complete forgiveness of sin but we have the Life of our Holy Lord and Father within us. To the praise òf the Glory of His Grace. May we understand this truth in the depth of our spiritual hearts. All Glory authority, power and dominion be to our Holy Lord forever and ever! Amen 🙏

  2. I AM the bread of life, whoever comes to Me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me shall never thirst. John 6 . 34. All the Father gives Me will come to Me and whoever comes to Me I will never cast out. John 6 37. And those whom He predestined He also called, and those whom He called He also justified, and those whom He justified He also glorified. Romans 8 . 30. ….. May you have a blessed first Spring Day in Christ

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