Before I start to-day’s blog, some house-keeping. Just a reminder that part of the exciting journey I have been having is to experience a growing ease with the concept of “listening prayer”. I don’t want to repeat what I have already written so I invite you to visit my blog of the 21st Dec, to read more about it. To find that blog tap the title of this blog. It will open up a new section below it and if you scroll down you will find a section headed “archive”. If you tap Dec it will open all the Dec blogs and you can scroll down till you get to the 21st. So welcome anyone who is new to our blog family and feel welcome to just read or to contribute if you would like.
Now to what I received from the Lord yesterday: “It is ‘I Am’ talking to you – I am talking to you just as I talked to Moses from the burning bush – only now Jesus is replacing the burning bush. I am talking to you through Him. Just as I used mighty works to release the Israelites from slavery in Egypt – so Jesus used mighty works – only they were in His own body – His death – on your behalf – His resurrection – His action as the ‘Sacrificial Lamb’ that set you free from the slavery of Satan and sin – now I am leading you through the desert. Jesus is acting like Moses He is the Leader, He is the Pillar of Smoke, He is the Pillar of Fire by day and by night – He is the Tabernacle – He is the High Priest, the Sacrifice and the Prophet all these in His majestic hands – as you travel as a stranger through the desert, He will provide water – Living water, He will provide manna, He is your Manna. He will protect you against the snakes that Satan will send at you – just keep looking up at the brass snake on a pole – look in faith to Him – He is your shield to protect you from sickness and pandemic. He has appointed you as an elder to serve under Him…..just be obedient and stay close to Me and I will give you daily bread to feed those whom I have given you to minister to”.
Today I am reading Luke 12:22-34 (but this is actually part of a larger section so maybe add vv 13-21 to that if you are joining me). So read through the passage to get a broader perspective before we focus on individual things. What do you think is the key vs of this section which reveals to us what the central message is (the telos)? This is obviously about priorities, so why are they so important to God? In what way do our priorities towards our possessions and our security in this world, tell us about our relationship with Jesus? Now within this passage what do you feel Jesus is saying to you today? I am going to share some of what He spoke to me, but first do business with Him in the passage above if you want Him to speak to you today.
So to me the key vs is v 34 “where your treasure is there also your heart will be”. This is almost a barometer of your progress with Jesus, something like what fruit you produce. The hyperbole of the first parable should not put us off considering in what ways we perhaps are being rich towards ourselves instead of God. How much, even a tiny bit, is there of covetousness still lurking deep down?
Of course then the section from vs 22 shows us the benefit of trusting God completely for all our needs. So are you able to put all your living concerns completely in God’s loving hands? One of the most comforting verses in the bible is vs 31, “seek His kingdom, and these things will be given you as well”. I have often reminded myself of this vs when faced with difficulties
So for me, I have to remind myself every time I come to a passage like this that although the passage may be familiar, to what extent am I really believing it and living it out in practical trust. We will always fall short of the perfection that God plans for us, but it is our desire and preparedness to grow and change that is the measure of our genuine trust in Him.