I am overcome with thoughts of the vastness of God in size, power, love – awesome thoughts overwhelm me.
It is hard for My creatures to really take in the size and spread of My presence and My power which is focused on you through My grace. But there was a specific moment when that entire power met and impinged on My creation here on this planet where you live. It was a moment when My love in My Son was taken from him and poured out on you so that you could escape judgement and be free – free from slavery to sin and to the law. Free to be the people you were created to be. Consider how difficult it is for my vast presence to be real and close to you, therefore I have made a Way by becoming one of you I can now relate in a new way – a way which you can understand and appreciate. Yet behind all this I remain huge and awesome and unfathomable.
As we continue to read in 1 Samuel 24, the relentless pursuit of David by Saul continues and reaches a climax. However, the climax is not at all what the reader would perhaps have expected. Instead of Saul achieving his goal to catch David and put him to death, God delivers Saul into David’s hands.
Consider for a moment the feelings David must have had, after fleeing for several years, living often under great hardship, even pretending to be mad to escape another enemy. And then God apparently, according to his men, vs 4, delivers Saul into David’s hands. What a moment of triumph, of relief, maybe. He can kill Saul and come out into the open and be crowned king.
Yet at that very moment David is more prepared to obey God’s voice than his own feelings. He perceives Saul as God’s anointed one and he therefore should not touch him. Can you imagine how strong the temptation must have been to take Saul’s life and be done with it.
As I read this passage my thoughts went to the general feeling most people have when they feel they have been wronged. Most people’s first reaction is to find a way to exact revenge. To get back at the cause of their tribulation. If you watch stories on TV you will soon see that many of them are focused and often climax in a most “satisfying” act of revenge.
As I considered this, I thought of Paul’s words in Romans 12:17 – 21. Especially vs 19 :”Do not take revenge my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath...” This, folks is so counter-intuitive. It is our nature to want to extract revenge. Just look at Gaza. But the gospel is counter-intuitive. The gospel calls us out to be different. The main point is that we do not naturally have that attitude, it is only after we have been transformed and have the help of the Holy Spirit that we are able to follow this instruction.
That, my friends, is an ideal example of being a witness for Christ. When one takes on that attitude then people will look and say, “But why is he different?”
David made many mistakes. But one thing stands out, he adored Yahweh and really wanted to honour Him and this was one of the early signs of that. There is perhaps much about David and some of his behaviour which could call us to wonder why he is called by God as a man after God’s own heart. Without plumbing the full depths of that statement, it seems that our estimate of what God sees in our hearts may sometimes be questioned. Certainly, God seeks people who will love Him with all their hearts, souls, bodies and strength. This can only be accomplished through the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit in what we call the gospel and will be demonstrated in their lives and actions.
Plenty to chew over again this week, if you so wish. God bless till next week.
” I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer and the cutter, My great army , which I sent among you. ” Joel 2 . 25 This promise became true for David, because he trusted the Lord with his Whole heart. It is also the truth for our lives when we trust the Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and believe in the power of His resurrection in our life. All glory, dominion, power and authority ve to our Holy Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever !! Amen 🙏 🙏
Amen! Lilly! That Scripture has been my comfort for many years. Such a Promise!! I have personally seen swarms of locusts as they creep along the fresh green lucerne lands….then the flying ones come in swarms. Childhood hurts – teenage disappointments…. adult dramas…. all these our Lord and God has seen. He will restore them. Thank You, Jesus.
Oh yes Lilly! This passage constitutes part of my testimony to His Grace and daily Spirit-filled support.
AMEN , AMEN!! My precious sister Elise. Therefore, let us put our faith in the all sufficient glorious servant of our Holy Lord, the Lord Jesus Christ. Absolutely Nothing!! makes sense, if we don’t know the heeart of our Holy Lord, who wants us to b e saved from His wrath and to accept us as beloved Holy children in His eternal family in Jesus Christ.