Just the right Time.

I stand amazed in the presence of Jesus the Nazarene – the living God. I never cease to be amazed at the fact that the Creator of the universe invites me and each of you to meet personally with him. He who flung the stars into space has more than enough time for little old you and little old me. What a privilege that is!

”As I am gathering people from all over the world to sing to me and laud my name the prospect ahead is of a mighty multitude all together singing in harmony. A multitude identified by one single characteristic – that they have been washed clean by my blood which I shed on the cross. A multitude who are identified by that single characteristic – they are in Jesus – in Me. So all that separates has been washed away and there will be a mighty bond of love – fired and fed by my love which is immeasurable and the source of all love between my people. As you imagine this huge crowd you are able to get a small foretaste of what this is all about. The whole of this life I am preparing you for that wonderful gathering at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”

John Ch 7:1 – 13. There is a lull now in John’s manuscript before the next body of teaching. In the background we must remember that the main theme of this Gospel is iterated in the questions, “Who is this man?” and then, “What did he come to do?” In today’s message we see how even Jesus‘s own brothers didn’t understand who he was at this stage. (vs 5). They were no doubt basking in the growing popularity of Jesus as he did amazing miracles. They didn’t understand that the real purpose of his Mission was going to be accomplished through his death, which was obviously not a popular thought.

In the background the clouds were gathering (vs 7) But for Jesus the time was not yet ripe for this final act to play out. Therefore he was keeping himself with a low visibility especially when he came to Jerusalem where the religious leaders were obviously more active.

John keeps the question of his identity alive through the discussions amongst the various players in his story. So we see for instance in versus 12 and 13 how the people were speculating about who this man is. The reader is invited to take the evidence that is laid before them and and make a decision for himself.

For me the key moment in this passage is in vss 6 & 7. Here Jesus repeats the statement twice that the time for me has not yet come. He is obviously referring to the final act of his life which would still be sometime ahead. This reminds me however very clearly of how carefully God plans out his creative purpose. Now you may be thinking it was obviously clear that he would have a plan for Jesus, but what about us? I want to make it clear that God is as much interested in each one of us and his timing in our lives is always perfect. I can attest to a number of incidents in my life which showed to what fine degree God timed certain events to accomplish its purpose.

It is a hugely comforting thought in my life when things just didn’t seem to be working out and sometimes even if there was apparent chaos, to know that in the background God was busy working out the plan that he has for me and those around me.

The other interesting point in this passage is the fact that Jesus’s own brothers, having grown up with him did not yet believe in him. Obviously familiarity breeds contempt. I don’t think that we should be too hard on them as it appears that later at least some of them came to believe fully in him and to follow him, for example we have James and Jude. Just like Jesus‘s mother Mary had to step past seeing him as her little boy and place her faith in him to be saved, so his brothers would have to do the same thing. This reminds me so clearly that we cannot inherit faith or membership of the kingdom of heaven. It is something which is acutely individual for each one of us.

May our Amazing Saviour continue to be the centre of your thoughts this week.

2 Replies to “Just the right Time.”

  1. When I hear Ian saying, that our Holy carefullplans our lives, my thoughts go immediately to Ephesians 1 3 -6. Because with every fiber of my heart I know, THISI IS THR TRUE PURPOSE OF MY LIFE ! Nothing in all eternity will ever change or stop our Holy Lord’s eternal plan for my life. This truth fills me with unspeakable joy in Christ. May rhis be also your blessing for the night , ” Blessed be the Gos and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ , who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places, even ashe chose us in Him before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and blameles before Him . In love He predestined us for adoption to Himself as sons through Jesus Christ , according TO THeb PURPOSE OF HIS WILL. TO THE PRAISE OF HIS GLORIOUS GRACE. With which He has blessed us in the Beloved. %

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