Joy, real joy – the enigma of our faith – comes at the expense of a death. As we survey the One who died for us on the cross we can see the blood and love flowing mingled down, that is the means which sets us free to experience the true joy of a relationship with ourCreator, to experience his love firsthand.
“Yes your joy comes at a cost, but the cost has been born by Me, the price I have paid through my blood has bought you the freedom from slavery to sin, it has bought you eternal life. My blood which represents My death is the factor that washes you clean and enables you to experience true joy. True joy which will ultimately lead to your glorification in the presence of My glory. That is why I call on you to sacrifice your whole self for Me, to take up your cross and follow Me even to share in My suffering with the wonderful view of a glorious hope shining in front of you.”
We proceed today in John ch 11: 17 – 37, with the story of Lazarus. Why don’t you read through the story and see if you can pick up the main point of Jesus’s teaching?
While we all can see the emphasis on Jesus’s compassion, it is revealed against the background of the main theme of His teachings in vv 25 – 27. He not only promises resurrection from the dead, but He IS the Resurrection and the Life! He can promise this because NB vs 27 He is none other than the Genuine Messiah and the miracle He is about to perform is the living proof of that! The question at the end of vs 26 is the question which has repeatedly cropped up in the gospel. It is the question which changes everything from reading a story intellectually to recognizing and embracing it as real and which then becomes a life changing moment. Do you see the simple question? “Do you believe this “ ? Notice it is not just a vague “Do you believe?” It is a specific belief which changes everything. Do believe THIS ? This is the central point in the gospel, which Jesus has just spoken in those vv.
Now coming back to the grieving family. Earlier Jesus had deliberately delayed His response to the sister’s plea, despite His great love for them. The question we may ask is “did He not care how they felt?”. We saw how He uses delay in His teaching process, and we ourselves may feel at times when we are called to wait that Jesus doesn’t really care. Vv 32 – 36 show how deeply moved Jesus was at their grief. What a wonderful picture of Jesus’s compassion which reflects what He feels for each one of His children when they are in any sort of pain. What a comfort that we have a high priest who has experienced all our pain and can draw alongside us when are hurting.
A feature of this story is the great amount of detail. This is an excellent reminder of the reality of these events and when we ponder that should further strengthen our faith.
My prayer is that each of you should feel as encouraged and comforted as I did while reading it. Bless you all till next week.
It were these mist precious words, of truth and assurance that our Lord spoke to Martha that gave me true hope after the attack in my life 11 years ago. It is most important, that Christ turns Martha’ s focus entirely to Himself . He alone is all-important for her. If she truly comprehends with her heart, that He is the Resurrection and the Life, death will be not hopeless for her, but victorious. Christ tells Martha that by faith in Him all who believe in Him may possess this indestructible life . Christ Himself us the fountain of life. Which unfathomable great comfort that in Christ alone I am.perfect in body, soul and spirit. My prayer is that many believers will rest in this eternal promise. All Glory, dominion, power and authority be to our Holy Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever 🙏 Amen
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Bur Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart . Luke 2. 19 Let us remember what we know of our Lord a.nd savior Jesus Christ, meditate on Him and give Him alone all the Glory .