Jesus walks on the Water.

Singing The old classic hymn about the Old Rugged Cross, I realize how we can romanticize something which was cruel beyond imagination. Yet as I think through this I also realize it is because what was accomplished there has come to mean so much to me and all of us.

”Never, never get tired of contemplating what happened that day at Calvary. Yes it was the cruelest death that could have been devised by the Romans – yet through that so much was accomplished. The whole course of history was re-set and a new era arose. In my word I don’t focus on the drops of blood mingling with the soil, but rather on what was being accomplished. Yet it is good to remember that all that happened was and is a sure sign of my love for you and my whole creation and as much as I was prepared to go the whole way how much more am I prepared to give you all things – all things you need for life and godliness.”

We follow the unfolding story of Jesus as told by John in ch 6:14-24.By now Jesus has attracted a huge crowd which had followed Him to a deserted mountainside, where, after some teaching, He again transcends the natural with a supernatural feeding of the multitude. This is not happening in a vacuum. The people of Israel had high expectations that the promised Messiah was due to come at any moment. vs 14. (Deut 18:15-19, was widely regarded as the prophecy of the future Messiah). As I have mentioned before their expectation was very much on a worldly King who would come and lead Israel to freedom again like Moses had done in Egypt.

Having demonstrated His divine power Jesus now senses that the people are so excited that they intended to take Him by force and make Him king. (6:15) so He slips away and disappears.

The story of Him walking on the water links this above story to the discussion from v 26 on the bread of life or heaven. It is easy to rush on to the discussion from v 26, but let us stop a moment and consider what this passage means and how it applies to us. If we were doing an in depth bible study we would compare this story in all the gospels to get the best understanding of it. However when John wrote this gospel it was intended to be a stand alone account of Jesus’ life and works. So, let Jesus speak to us from it like it is in the context it is situated.

We have been following the progressive revelation of who Jesus is and what He has come to do. So we last saw that the miracle of the feeding was a fulfilment of the Passover and God’s rescue from Israel. The people picked that up too, it seems. So this is possibly a picture of the miraculous crossing of the Israelites over the Red Sea. It is easy to become so used to stories like this that they lose their impact as to how supernatural this event is. Jesus is transcending all the laws of nature to be able to actually walk on top of water. No human has ever managed that except with a surf ski to stand on.

On top of this there is the mention of the fact that there was a storm brewing and the fisherman were in trouble. Not only does Jesus arrive on the scene at just the right time and instantly, after they take Him into the boat they find themselves at the shore. Jesus only utters 4 words. “I am, don’t be afraid!”. I am being the title of Yahweh.

Now these things need to be taken seriously and personally. As much as Jesus was aware of the disciples being in trouble and arriving on the scene at just the right time and then taking them straight away to their destination, He is aware of exactly where you are at every given moment emotionally and physically. He has the supernatural power to do whatever is necessary to take you through. We should never, never underestimate His power or His purpose to care for us. We just need to remind ourselves that, as Christians, He is already in the boat with us. Yes, like the disciples, He allows us to row into storms, sometimes extremely vicious storms, but He is always in control and will never let you be tested more that you can handle with His help.

So, may you be comforted and strengthened by this very familiar passage as you apply it to yourself personally. Have a blessed week, see you next week.

2 Replies to “Jesus walks on the Water.”

  1. Let us be on our knees before the inexpressible Glory and majesty of Christ. ” For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. ” Habakkuk 2 .14 Unfathomable GRACE to be part of this miracle 🙏

  2. Exult in the inexpressible Glory of Christ. This blog is helping to SEEthe truth of Christ. Therefore I am writing in the comment section. “Because seeing they do nit see. , and hearing they do not hear , nor do they understand . Indeed, in their case the prophesy of Isaiah is fulfilled that says ” you will indeed hear but never understand. And you will.indeed see, but never perceive” Matthew 13. . 13 14. With my heart I still hope, that other readets of will join and exult with their whole heart in the Glory of our Holy Lord. Because this is His will, this us our destiny! PRAISE TO THE GLORY OF HIS GRACE 👋 🙏 🙌

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