“Oh love that will not let me go.”
”Love, that overused, over rated word which is bandied about in the world, yet in the context of My relationship with you and the world, is the most useful word which describes My commitment to you all and what I desire should be your response to Me. Emotions are often confused with real love, emotions come and go and can be extremely powerful in driving us to action – yet are unreliable and subject to change for many reasons. My love is not devoid of emotion but is nevertheless fixed in the attitude I have towards you all and the way I act in all circumstances. That love is the binding force which took Me to the cross and is My invitation to you in this coming year to respond by loving me – yes My desire is still that you love Me with all your soul, body, mind and strength and I am working towards getting you there. Unfortunately there will be pain as I prune away the branches in your life that bear no fruit.
As we get to 1 Samuel 19, we see the saga continue to unfold as God prepares David to be the future king of Israel. Saul’s importance is rapidly becoming diminished. Standing back and looking at the bigger picture of what is described in this chapter I saw so beautifully how God works with all of us to bring us ultimately to glory. Of course, the details vary with each individual, yet the process is the same, as described for instance in the first vv of Roman’s ch 5.
Behind these events one can see another dimension, which we often lose sight of. The powerful spiritual battle, which is raging, often unseen behind David’s and our lives, but which manifests in various ways.
What is important is that the forces of evil which seem to be the driving force behind Saul’s actions, are nevertheless completely under God’s control. We see this so well in the last vv of this chapter as Saul sends men to capture David and eventually tries to go himself when they are unsuccessful. What precisely the prophets were doing as they prophesied is not clear, probably a sort of praise session, and as soon as the antagonists join them, they find themselves, against their will, drawn into the same activity.
And so David survives. Even within Saul’s own family David has two strong allies, Jonathan and Michal, whom God has obviousy arranged they be there so that they could support David during all the vicissitudes he was experiencing.
All the time, God was doing what He describes in Romans 5. Producing perseverance, character and hope. In this way Dvid was a much stronger person after all these experiences, as unpleasant as they must often have been.
This passage was a strong back up to my sermon on Sunday and a further encouragement for the coming year. May you all experience God’s firm and loving hand on yourselves and your loved ones during this coming year.