The song is “All Hail the Glorious Christ”
I see a huge container, like a bucket and God is pouring out of it – LOVE – His love – He is pouring it out over me – it is washing over me, completely soaking me- “My love is boundless – I am continually pouring out my love on you – the reason you are not always aware of it is because you become distracted by things in your life. Some of them that you love and that hold your attention and some merely those things life is all about. Remember also that My love should be seen against the backdrop of My judgement, righteousness and holiness – that is where I am taking you in My love. I have rescued you from judgement and now seek to form you into the beloved son you are to Me.”
My reading today is Luke 24:1-12. The beginning of the aftermath of the crucifixion, describing the first discovery of the empty tomb. So familiar, what will Jesus say to me from this passage?
Firstly maybe the surprising often overlooked fact that Jesus had warned them repeatedly that He would rise again. More recently Luke had described how he had sent two disciples ahead of him as He arrived at Jerusalem and told them they would find a young donkey – and it was exactly as He had said. Then before the Passover meal He had sent two disciples to find a room for them to meet in and He told them they would meet a man carrying a jar of water that would take them to the room and it was so. Yet the women were on their way to embalm Him. And Peter could not believe what they had said. These were the very people who had known Him intimately over three years! So I stop and think how much of all the promises God has made to me do I really believe? I mean when the chips are down. If He returned today would I be just as nonplussed. Do I really believe all those songs of His faithfulness, His protection, His forgiveness? I mean at the deepest level, when they are challenged? I must meditate on that.
The fact that the first witnesses were women. In Israel at that time women had no standing in society and their witness would be regarded as worthless. The fact that God deliberately chose them to be the first, flies in the face of any effort to fabricate this story. If it were a fabrication then the chosen witnesses would have been ‘reliable men’. So this is once again a timely reminder to me that in God’s dispensation everyone is equal. Young, old, male, female, well-known and gifted, highly qualified and the poor widow/wer living alone. All are equal and I need to remember that at the deepest leve as I view and treat people. Phil 2:3.
Then the phrase in vs 5 b strikes me. “Why do you look for the living among the dead?” I am reminded of Ephesians 1:18-21. “I pray also that the eyes of your heart will be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints and His incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of His mighty strength which He exerted in Christ Jesus, when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at the right hand in the heavenly realms …….”
I am reminded of the atmosphere of quiet joy alongside the mourning at Theo, my friend’s funeral/ memorial service this past week. What a huge privilege we have as Christians to be able stand at this golden portal!