The Blessing of the True Sabbath.

In the light of the resurrection, the whole world, the whole universe – looks different. That light shines into the darkest recesses and changes everything. But what about all this suffering and hardship we are experiencing? In 1Peter 5:6,7, I have said humble yourself under my Mighty hand. Now the world is filled with pride even in my children – believing that their victories are theirs and not mine – just remember clearly –“ you are just a sinner saved by Grace”. Everything that you are achieving are just signs of the process of salvation I am doing in your life. So I need to strip away your sense of security placed in the wrong things so that you will find your security in me alone. everywhere where my children are suffering I am working in many ways and I always sustain them and not test them or you more than you can bear with my help. But I am teaching you to have the correct perspective. What you are and what you do are just gifts from Me. So 1 Peter 5:7 Roll your burdens onto me and I will tenderly care for you – you must just trust that promise and do it.

Now we come to Isaiah 56. At a quick glance you will see that the phrase “Who keep my Sabbaths” is repeated. The question is, “how should we interpret this under the New Covenant?” The danger is that the wrong interpretation actually can skew our Christian walk. I recently heard a speaker going on about how the church has fallen away and his solution? To go back to celebrating the Sabbath. He was focusing on the many people who braai and drink on a Friday evening when they should rather be celebrating the Sabbath.

OK, so let us look at ch 56. The key word is in vs 1, “salvation”. This chapter continues with the invitation issued in ch 55. The whole of what is discussed falls under the umbrella of salvation. Remember that salvation is not a once-off act, it is a continuous process which is started at a specific time, but only completed when we are with the Lord. So the invitation in ch 55 has been to the Israeli nation. To continue with this process, 56:2, “Happy (blessed”, is a picture of a right relationship with God) is the one who, does right, and preserves justice and keeps his hand from evil. These are signs of what, in ch 56? They are signs that the person is keeping the Sabbath.

From vs 3 – 8 he now includes two other groups of people who have apparently been excluded from this blessing. Eunuchs and foreigners. Many men have been made into eunuchs in Babylon and as such have been cut off from their inheritance. Also this is a reminder that it is part of God’s plan to include foreigners in His salvation plan.

Why is the key to this the keeping of the Sabbaths and holding fast onto the covenant? Briefly this is how it works. The Sabbath celebration in the Old Testament was looking forward to being fulfilled in Jesus when he came, as part of the New Covenant. The Sabbath had two components. The concept of rest and a sign to remind the people of the conditions of the Old Covenant, placing Yahweh at the center of their whole lives. (Exodus 31:13).

Under the New Covenant, Jesus represents the center of worship in Himself. It is no longer appropriate to only worship Him on a specific day, we are to do that at all times and continually cf Romans 12:1. Furthermore, we find rest in Him cf Matt 11:28. “Come unto me and I will give you ??? REST”. In Jesus we find the ultimate rest from our works in trying to achieve our own salvation. To keep the Sabbath under the New Covenant is another way to say we must maintain our ongoing relationship with Jesus. It is a continuous experience and responsibility.

So when we look at Isaiah 56, we see that those groups of people (that actually means everyone), mentioned three times will be happy or blessed with the ongoing benefits of salvation if they maintain their ongoing relationship with Yahweh. And the “house of prayer”? Well, Jesus made it clear that He also came to fulfill the role of the temple, or God’s house of prayer. So those who keep the Sabbath can enjoy and rejoice in Jesus, with all the others who are doing the same.

Beautiful isn’t it? Such a waste to focus on a day when we should be focusing on Jesus in person and our relationship with Him. Easter is such a great reminder of just that. Of course it is also a very strong reminder, as we saw how important God saw the role of the Sabbath in the OT, of the importance of keeping our regular times of worship and prayer and rejoicing in Him.

Easter Devotion.

“Holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty – who was and is and is to come.” Holy holy holy is the Lord Almighty – who was and is and is to come.“

See Me raised up on the cross – see me as a lamb – a sacrificial lamb being slain. Giving no resistance, in fact giving myself voluntarily for your life. This is not a time of mourning – through my death comes life – life with a new meaning, the old has been done away with – there is a new beginning – A clean slate – free from the drag of regrets and loss of faith. A life offered with the opportunity of joy – this is indeed the day that the Lord has made, a day washed clean by my blood so there can be a new beginning. Do not be sad, rejoice that is why I came – to bring new life and joy – which will rise from the ashes of My death on the cross.

I spend some time contemplating John 19:30. When he had sipped the sour wine, he said, “It is finished my bride!” Then he bowed his head and surrendered his spirit to God. This is The Passion translation. The explanation is that the Hebrew word for ”tetalestai” could be both ”it is completed” or ”bride”. Putting the two together indicates that the completed work on the cross launches His initiation of His ultimate aim, to prepare a bride for Himself.

Most blessed are we all to be part of that work. ”Come. Come today in response to His invitation and seek His face”. His promise is that you will find Him abundantly.

Accepting the Invitation.

Singing, “see Him in Jerusalem – see Him there upon the hill”. I let my mind caress that scene and I am thinking how the whole of the history of the world before then had waited with bated breath for that moment. Then I remember the events of the weekend at Noordhoek, where I met Him face-to-face for the first time. My whole life up to then was a preparation for that moment and that moment determined the path of the rest of my life. I think of Jesus’s suffering and relate that to my life – I don’t know that depth of suffering but I have experienced the fallenness of the world.

“As you move through this week in anticipation of next weekend, relate the week to your life so far in this world – remember Sunday when the light of the resurrection breaks through. There will be a moment when your faith will be turned to sight – and you will see Me face-to-face – in My brilliant glorious light – where there is no darkness anymore.”

Returning to Chapter 55. Look at the word, repeated four times in the first verse. “Come“. Further down we see another invitation in vs 6; “Seek the Lord“. Can there be a clearer invitation in this Holy week to move beyond the intellectual acceptance of the events prophesied in chapter 53?

There are a couple of conditions that are applied to the invitation which we should take seriously:

  1. We are to buy without money. A strange statement, don’t you think? Yet it is quite clear what is meant. What God is offering, is absolutely free. It is, in fact, an affront to offer Him something in return for what He wants to give us. This is such an important principle, which everyone, including us, should take seriously. We cannot earn what God wants to give us free. No matter how we may think our efforts are winning more approval for ourselves, we negate this basic principle.
  2. How do we receive the enormous benefits He is offering? Vs 3; “Pay attention to Me; Listen, that you may live“. We continue to be confronted by this command. His word is meaningless, unless we listen to it. Not just superficially, but in our hearts, and act on it.
  3. Vs 6 reminds us of the urgency of this invitation. “Seek the Lord, while He may be found“. It is never too late to be saved, yet the invitation fades if it is not accepted, while He may be found.
  4. The central point of the New Covenant is what the whole of ch 53 represents. The forgiveness of sins vs 7 b. That is what removes the barrier between us and God. Therefore the whole benefit of the New Covenant only becomes a reality when that forgiveness is received. For it to be received, there must be repentance, 7 a.
  5. The statement about God’s thoughts, in the immediate context, means we need to allow God to renew our whole thinking. cf Romans 12:2. (It also has a much broader application).
  6. Verses 10 and 11 remind us that God’s promises are absolutely sure. We can trust them completely.

Lastly, not a condition, but a reminder of the fact that the benefits of the New Covenant extend to the whole world cf vv 3b,4,5.

For me personally, this is a reminder that God continues to call us to “come to Him and to seek His face”. This is not just a once-off action. The more we come to Him, the closer we will get, as we remember all that this chapter is reminding us of. May the happenings in Jerusalem 2000 years ago be vivid in your imagination this week as we approach Easter.

The Invitation.

Watching the singing of “Jesus I give you thanks”,I am struck by the many beautiful faces, hairstyles, clothes, glitz and glamour – and I find myself comparing them with the simple band of disciples who followed Jesus – not always clean, home spun clothes – such a contrast.

“ Yes there is a huge outward contrast – but they were just as human as the singers and everyone around you. They had the same desires for making a name for themselves, for entitlement and self-centredness as you have and everyone in my creation. That is why I came – I came to rescue them, to rescue you and all mankind from their sinful, selfish desires. Your position has nothing to do with your worth. I create people for different purposes and put them into the places I will use them for my kingdoms sake. All of them have this in common – I am rescuing them and changing them and you Romans 8:28. All things work together for the good of them that love me and are called by my name, but to make sure I’m not talking about giving just good things I remind the reader shortly after that, that I am good! Why? It is because it is easy to misinterpret that passage and think I’m handing out worldly goods – instead the greatest blessings you may experience come during the most difficult of times – and in the midst of that you need to remember– I am good and my intentions are for your good – to grow you to be more like me. Prince and pauper – the beautiful singers – their reality is deep down the same as the shack dweller – I have come to rescue all – no one is more valuable than the rest!

Coming now to Isaiah chapter 54, the writer continues to put the events of the previous chapter into the perspective of Israelites.They are depicted as a barren woman and compared with the new covenant which is now being introduced as a mother of a great and growing family.This family will not be confined to the people of Israel but will spread across all the nations of the world.

The certainty of the fulfilment of this prophecy is depicted by the husband of the woman who is actually Yahweh himself. The future relationship with God will be as close as a marriage.

In verse 10 the love of God in the new covenant will not be removed from Israel, but will continue and be greater than his wrath. Verses 13 and 14 God promises prosperity but that should not be confused with physical prosperity it will be a spiritual prosperity.

So we come to chapter 55 which opens with this wonderful invitation to come and partake of the benefits of this new covenant. I suggest that you read chapter 55 and consider the application of what is written there in terms of understanding what that reveals about the new covenant and how that relates to us. Then we can revisit that chapter on Monday and discover what we have been shown. Don’t hesitate to share your discoveries. That’s how we can teach each other.

In the meantime what has Jesus been saying to me from our reading today? The clearest word from him is that it’s not just good enough to know the truth of chapter 53 but that one must actually receive it for yourself. You must apply it to your heart.

The Servant, Suffering for you and for me

We have a Father in heaven above,/ with eyes full of mercy and a heart full of love,/ He really cares when your head is hung low,/ consider the lilies and then you will know.

“Consider the fact – that you have a Father in heaven above. Consider My attitude towards you and all My children, an attitude of special care – I made you, I rescued you, I have always provided for you- spiritually as well as physically – that is Me! I do really care about you, just as you can see I care for the whole of My creation – I see when your head is hung low . I want to pick it up – I want you to start rejoicing – from the deepest part of your heart. You cannot start rejoicing when your head is hanging. So, by faith, trusting in Me completely – in My Fatherhood – pick it up and start rejoicing. I want you to fly with Me – stand on the roof-top and shout ‘This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it'”

Today with Easter approaching, we come to one of the most precious sections of the Old Testament; Isaiah 53. It was from this chapter that the Ethiopian eunuch was reading, in Acts 8 that led him to the Lord. There is so much in this chapter. I am going to give a few pointers and invite you to soak yourselves in it.

We start at 52:13. which brackets the whole section with vs with 53:12a at the other end. Up till now the identity of the “Servant” has not always been clear. Sometimes it seems to be the remnant of believers, sometimes the prophet and sometimes a figure far in the future. These bracketed vv clearly show us the identity of this Servant. He is High and exalted and given a portion among the great. It can be no other than the Messiah Himself.

Secondly we see that the whole thrust of the section is on the substitutionary nature of the servant’s suffering and death. This is the central doctrine of our faith. Over an over He is depicted as marred, stricken, rejected, oppressed and ultimately assigned to the grave. But His sufferings have a specific purpose. Vs 4 He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows. Vs 5 He was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, the punishment which brought us peace was on Him. Vs 6b The Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Vs 10b The Lord makes Him a guilt offering.

Now I want to take you back to 51:22b “see I have taken out of your hand the cup that made you stagger”. That is the cup, as we saw, of God’s wrath. God, Having reminded us of the reality of His wrath, then says He has taken the cup away (prophetically). Having shown us this important fact He now shows how He has done that in ch 53. He has asked Jesus to take it on our behalf. He was the only one that could do it, because He had never transgressed. Now the whole of Ch 53 depicts various aspects of Jesus suffering and death. How intense it was. Drawn out, ongoing, till He died.

I want to ask you to stop, as we approach Easter and consider. The cup of God’s wrath which is described as making us stagger, is what awaits every person who does not avail themselves of this vicarious death. By showing the extent of Jesus’ suffering, a picture of what God’s wrath is really like, should come home to us . That wrath that we have now escaped. In the inadequate words after taking communion service, “And be thankful”.

Thankful! How can we ever thank Him enough? There is no way we can repay Him. We must simply respond in love and thanksgiving. “Could my zeal no respite know/ Could my tears forever flow/ all for sin could not atone/Thou must save and thou alone/ Nothing in my hand I bring/Simply to thy cross I cling”. (Rock of Ages cleft for me). I invite you to come and cast yourself alongside me this Easter at the foot of the cross where He accomplished this and express our deepest thanksgiving, together.

Awake, Awake!

Jesus, Name above all Names, Highly exalted!

“Come and take My hand and let Me show you”. Its as if God is leading me outside where I can see into the distance – even up into the unplumbable depths of outer space. “I have created all things in order – despite the disorder you see around you, which is ongoing because of sin. Despite that, there is a massive well-oiled order which is driving the whole universe. I am the King of Kings, I have the authority over all of this, because I made it, I own it. I have made you to fit into that order and am orchestrating it constantly. Now the true contentment that comes from being in harmony with that order does not only come from making the right big decisions – it comes from recognizing that you have nothing intrinsically to commit to that order. Only doing what I have laid out for you, can you contribute to the harmony of My order. The starting point of your usefulness in My kingdom, is recognizing – “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of God”. That is the starting point of true discipleship”.

Now back to Isaiah, from 51:9 to 52:12. There are three calls of ‘awake, awake’, which provide the structure. The first in 51:9 seems to come from the remnant, still in bondage in Babylon. They are feeling that God has abandoned them. Fallen asleep? So they are reminding Him of His relationship with them and His promises to them of their return to Zion. They are reminding Him of the great deliverance of the Exodus.

God answers “awake, awake” in vs 17. He puts their suffering into the context of His wrath. This passage strikes a special cord, as we read of God’s wrath being likened to a cup that makes you stagger v 22b. Look at the promise in vs 22 a. “See, I have taken out of your hand this cup”. How has He done that? Pause for a moment and allow your thoughts to go to a garden. The garden of Gethsemane and Jesus’ prayer. “take this cup away from Me, yet not My will but yours, O Lord” (Luke 22:42).

Prophetic words looking forward to the greatest event of all time, which started with the difficult submission of a Man/God to His Father’s will; to drink this awful cup on behalf of the whole of mankind, that we may have the opportunity of escaping the full effect of that wrath. See it is only God Himself that can take away the cup of His wrath so that we never have to drink of it again. (52:22 b).This little section illuminates that scene in the darkness of the night in he garden with the brightest of light, because it is only when we fully understand how awful God’s wrath is, that we can appreciate the full extent and value of what Jesus did there, taking it with Him to the cross.

That is why the last “awake, awake” (52:1), becomes so logical. This act of removing God’s wrath has made it possible for every one of us to be clothed with garments of splendour. These garments are further described in 61:10 “the garments of salvation and the robe of righteousness”. If we understand what this means, we will be the first to go out and proclaim what has happened 52:7. We will hasten to stand on a mountain top and shout it aloud. As we appreciate it we will burst into songs of joy as God comforts us while we “return to Jerusalem”, to His bosom.

Isn’t it wonderful how the Old Testament keeps referring us to the gospel. That is the key to life. That is the only key to life. The key that opens the door for God’s abundant blessings. We see also here how the word comfort is used to show how trusting in he gospel message brings the greatest comfort. Because comfort can only come when we are in a healthy relationship with the Lord.

Listening to Jesus, how does the promise of God’s comfort make you feel? Let us all rejoice together.

Trust and Obey, that’s the Servant’s Way.

I am struggling today to understand how, on the one hand, I can trust God for the really big things, the important things in my life – yet can become so upset when I am faced with everyday irritating challenges, not seeming to be able to trust in God caring for those as well..

“I have given you a heart of flesh instead of a heart of stone – through My Spirit. For you to receive the full benefit of the work I am doing in your heart, you need to stand back and relinquish your desire to control, to get revenge, to demonstrate your authority. You need to become completely humble – emptying yourself of all the desires you have to run your own life your way. Instead, as you relinquish that and humble yourself under My mighty hand, so that I can start guiding you and giving you love instead of revenge, obedience to Me instead of having things your way – then you will find true peace, as you find My way is always the right way. My outcome is always the one which will benefit you and My kingdom the most. All flesh is frail, take heart and take the first step again today by becoming completely humble.”

Last time we saw The Lord’s almost sense of frustration at the people He had chosen to be His witnesses, the heralds of His reality and love to the world. He ended the piece with a challenge to the people, suggesting that they did not really believe He had the power to carry out His plan. He reminded them of His great works of the past. In today’s section, as we look at 50:4 – 51:9, he once again puts forward His Solution to their problem of disobedience revealed in (50:1). He will raise up a Servant that will have the ability and desire to be obedient under the most trying circumstances. He declares that has not been rebellious (50:5b) despite being rejected and scorned.

Who is this Servant? The text certainly is used a number of times to describe Jesus in the New Testament. What is clear is that this person is coming in the power and through the action of the Lord God or the One, cf vv 4,5,7,8,9. When the text comes to vv 10 and 11 we are faced again with the responsibility that we have to make the right choice. Verse 10 shows us clearly, we must fear the Lord first, listen to the voice of His Servant, trust in the name of Yahweh and lean on Him. The alternative, in v 11, are those who choose their own illumination, which will take them to the place of torment.

There are a number of other pointers to follow. Jesus is the One who instructs us and can sustain us, if we listen to His word. He wants to and will wake you each morning to meet with Him. Just as he has been obedient, we need, through His power, to be obedient too. Then, as much as He was rejected we can expect that to also happen to us, in a world which is at war with Him. Yet he will vindicate us and He has taken care of the condemnation we face. there is much to absorb and meditate on.

These “servant songs” are a bit like an impressionistic painting, where there are splashes of colour which suggest the picture, without painting it in detail. Just so we see brief glimpses which reveal different aspects of our Saviour Jesus, as the prophet saw them, especially in these “Servant Sogs”, which we can complete in our imagination. As you sit back and meditate on them you can see the gorgeous masterpiece slowly being revealed, which is finally going to be revealed on the cross.

Chapter 51 begins with 9 vv which give the reader three incentives to make the right choice between 50:10 and 11 and spur us on to be obedient. See if you can identify them.

Never Abandoned.

“Oh the goodness of Jesus. Your love has come like a mighty flood and it was that love that bound you to the cross, that took you to the grave, before you rose and it is that love that comes again to wash me clean.

“Come to Me, bring me your ‘righteousness’. You need to be cleansed from your own righteousness – you see your own righteousness is like filthy rags to Me. Any sense of your coming close to Me and spending time with Me depends on your own worth, your own ability to hear Me speak to you, your growth, your understanding of My word and obeying Me. If you are depending, in any measure on those things – they are as filthy rags to Me. The only merit you have is from Me – I cleansed you and started a new work in you. Any merit you have is entirely from My grace and because you are now ‘in Jesus’. It is only when you realize this fully in your deepest heart, will you know what it truly means to say ‘not my will but thou will o Lord”.

Thank you Lilly on your observation of being engraved on the Lord’s hands. It is really integral to the second part of ch 49 and how it flows into ch 50. The opening of a new thought is in 49:14. Zion says, “The Lord has abandoned me”, the Lord has forgotten me”. Obviously this refers to the exile and the feeling that the remnant would have had. In the face of the many promises of God’s care for them up to then, they find themselves in exile. Has God truly forgotten them? Has He abandoned them? So up to 50:3 He addresses this. He uses these various pictures of “being engraved on His hands” and a mother not forgetting her child from her womb, whom she is nursing, to show the sureness of His continuing love and concern for them.

Then He launches into a picture of the future blessings that await them and His revenge on those who have oppressed them. But notice His ultimate purpose in this relationship, in vs 26b. “Then all flesh will know that I, Yahweh am your Saviour and your Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob”.

In ch 50 then He again addresses their sense of separation from Him. Now He is saying they are not divorced from Him but are feeling separated from Him. He speaks of their being sold, not because of Yahweh, but because of their own iniquities. When He wanted a relationship with them they were nowhere to be found. Then he finally denies the thought that He did not have the power or ability to save them. That is why He reminds them of His mighty historic deeds in 50:2b, 3.

Back to square 1 then is it? No He is laying the basis for introducing the whole revelation of His “Solution” to this problem. A Servant is going to come. He will make all he difference to this apparent impasse. So this is the background against which the rest of ch 50 is to be seen, which we will look at next time.

Well what does that mean for us then? For me personally? Just as much as God would never abandon Israel, His chosen people, so He will never abandon us, who are also His chosen people, His loved ones. So Lilly has it completely right, we are engraved on His hands.. He will never forget us, we are completely secure. This is so important because there are times in all our lives when we may feel that He has turned away from us. The good news is that we now have the “Servant” which we will read about as we go on who is making all the difference, under the New Covenant. The One whom this is ultimately all about and the One who makes this all real to us.

A Servant to Save the Whole World

“Broken”, the word comes to me over and over. Now I see a picture – a picture of a figure being mocked, His beard forcibly being plucked out, a crown made up of long thorns being rammed down with force upon his head, blood springs out and trickles down. I hear the thud as nails go through his hands and feet – his body jerking in agony every time the nails are struck. The cross lifted up and dropped in place with a thud – more agony. All the time voices clamouring, “crucify, crucify – He saved others let Him save Himself”. Darkness – sudden, inky, black darkness – forsaken – broken, completely broken, in body but also His contact with the love of His Father broken. Blood flowing down into the dust of Jerusalem.

“Broken for you Ian. My body was broken for you so that yours may be made whole again, your real self ‘you’ who you are – made whole. My relationship with the Father broken – so that yours may be healed. I have given all for you, now I expect your all for Me – there can be no half-measures, it is either ‘all or nothing’, if you wish to follow Me.”

I understand now, Jesus wants my complete self, not just that, which I can give without it disturbing my comfort.

Continuing in Isaiah 48 and into 49. One can sense this wonderful all-encompassing plan that God has had from the beginning, continually featuring in the background, as a framework for this prophecy . The plan that He voiced to Abraham written in Gen 12:1-3, which ends with the words, “All the peoples of the earth will be blessed through you”. His plan flowing from the physical descendants of Abraham, who would become the nation of Israel, was to bring a blessing to the whole world. In the process they would also be blessed.

One can almost sense God’s frustration in Isaiah 48:18, “If only you had paid attention to my commands, you would have been blessed with peace” and in vs 18, “your descendants would have been like the sand of he sea.” But they had not heard or obeyed so they would have no peace, “because there is no peace for the wicked”.

Yet in His grace, He had not given up on them. What is His plan for them and the world? This is revealed in Ch 49. It centers around a figure called, God’s servant in 9:3. It was always God’s plan vs 1,to raise this figure for His purpose. Notice in vs 2, he will be “like a polished arrow”. Now what are the features and purpose of an arrow? It flies straight at it’s target, to accomplish the archer’s purpose, especially one that has been polished. However he is hidden for the time being. (The mystery, which is revealed much later revealed in Ephesians 3:4-6)

So what is this purpose of God? It is worded so beautifully in vs 6: The servant will accomplish this hugely important task (no small thing). He will not only restore Israel, but become a light for the Gentiles, that He may bring salvation to the ends of the earth”. The language is confusing because there are times when the servant appears to be a single figure, then again he appears to be speaking of Israel as a whole. We should not be put off by this. It is prophetic language so you must see past it to hear the melodic thread, as it weaves its way through the text.

What is important, is to see the emphatic statement in vs 8. There will be a day of salvation. A day which will be the turning point in history but also a day which each one of us needs to experience on a personal level, which will be the turning point in our lives. At that moment, His covenant will be introduced. vs 8. His new covenant, a covenant by which He will set the captives free, and call those in darkness into light. vs 9.

The rest of the chapter continues to reveal the benefits of God’s saving covenant, much of which is in symbolic language. Yet there is plenty of food for thought for each of us to meditate on, in the detail of those vv. What is very important though, is the last vs 26 b: “Then all mankind will know that I, the Lord am your Saviour, your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.” Can there be any doubt about who he is talking about and His ultimate purpose?

I have painted the picture with a vast sweep of a large brush to help us to keep our bearings. However down to a personal level now, what is Jesus saying to you? What is He saying to me? I am reminded that I, like each one of us, have a special part to play in His plan. To play that part it is more important to grow in who we are by keeping close to Jesus than what we must do, He will lead us continually into the place where He wants us to be most effective as His witnesses by fulfilling our role in that plan.

Man has Gone Astray and Needs Salvation.

“Weary” the word comes to me several times.

“There are times when the traveler becomes weary, but be careful that you do not allow your mind to slip into a sort of self-pity, where you keep reminding yourself about how weary you are. I have promised that when you are weary and heavy laden – you can come to Me and I will bear that burden with you and lift it. But when you find yourself saying how weary you are – remind yourself that I have already told you that I will lift your burdens and grasp that reality – that Presence and believe and trust in it. I have also said, ‘If you hope in the Lord you will rise up with wings as an eagle’. Turn your mind, therefore away from your weariness and look to Me and receive My joy. Live in My joy and My hope and the weariness will slip away. But remember also, that I am always here so that when you are genuinely weary from pain, whether physical or emotional, from disappointments, separation etc – I am here and I hear you and you can bring that to Me as many times as you wish.”

As we continue reading Isaiah into chps, 47 and 48, we see once again, the strong element of judgement, which has lain heavily throughout Isaiah. In ch 47 God returns to His judgement on Babylon, with powerful words of warning that it is exactly the things they feel secure against cf vs 7 ff, that are going to be the areas where disaster will strike them. As I look at these descriptions I see so many of those attitudes around me today, in the secular world. Especially here where we live in Helderberg Village. However the main thrust of God’s anger seems to lie in the accusation in vs 6 that God had handed His people over to the Babylonians, to be chastised. They had however, been more ruthless and cruel than ever was necessary.

Ultimately he ends the chapter with the statement which echoes with Romans 3. “Each wanders his own way” and then the rider, “no one can save you”. To understand this alarming statement it is necessary to see that the first step to salvation is a realization that you are following your own way. In other words one has to understand how lost you are, to want to be saved. Even the “good” people are following their own way. God’s judgement, however, has always had the purpose of bringing people back to Him.

In ch 48 The word of judgement turns towards Israel, God’s own people. Here we need to sit up and take notice. The nation of Israel in the Old Testament represents the “visible” church of the New Testament. Note, NOT the real church, which is limited to believers. Look at some of God’s statements. Vs 1, they are not focused on the truth and righteousness. Vs 4Their necks are like iron, demonstrating their stubbornness. V 8 They have not been listening.

So He turns that around and has something important to say to His people. First note, however how He keeps repeating the word or concept of listening from vs 12, “Listen to Me oh Jacob”; vs 14 “Come together and listen”, vss15,16; “I, the Lord have spoken…. Come near to Me and listen to this”; vs 17 b “I am the Lord who teaches you……who directs you in the way to go”. vs 18, “If only you had paid attention…..” The underlying cause of their troubles is directly related to their stiff necks and foreheads like bronze. vs 4. They have heard these things… yet not paid attention.

The nation of Israel is in deep trouble. The underlying reason for that is their stubbornness which is reflected in their inability or unwillingness to listen. They hear the Lord speaking, yet don’t act on it. It is as if He has not spoken at all. How much of the huge troubles that pervade the visible church today are due to them bashing along, doing their own thing. Involved in peripheral issues and neglecting the precious gospel message.

To-day however, we must look inward. I must look at myself and say “How well am I listening to Jesus?” In 48:11 God says “for My own sake, I do these things….I will not yield my glory to another”. All God’s actions are ultimately there to give Himself glory and to take us to a place where we can live to His glory. What do you hear Him saying to you today? Is your life and your attitude towards life glorifying God? Are you complaining, deep inside your heart about issues? I have to ask myself that continually, when events are not working out exactly as I would like them to.