Jesus’ Resurrection, the Key to The Gospel.

I sit at Jesus feet and listen. Did his voice have a deep timbre, a resonance? His eyes – they seem to be focused right on me and my heart.

“The entire history is focused on the events you have been reading about and will remember next weekend. All of creation waited with bated breath for that moment. The explosion happened on the Sunday. The one happening which gave everything else significance. The whole aim of my coming was salvation – the rescue of a dying world. But the act of rescue on the cross would have been meaningless without my resurrection. My resurrection placed the seal on the work I had done on the cross, to open heaven’s door so the new kingdom could be launched – the kingdom which you now all are part of. That is the visible sign of the greatest act ever– It is your guarantee and that of everyone who reads this blog with trust – allow it to transform you this Easter.”

Now to 1 Corinthians 15. In Roman’s and in Colossians, for instance, Paul launched his message with a focus on the gospel. What it’s message is and the power which is released through the preaching of that message. Here in this Corinthian letter, he gather’s these thoughts together here at the end. So, as we read the first 11 vv of this chapter we see his statement firstly in v1, “I want to remind you of the gospel I preached to you, which you received and on which you have taken your stand”, bracketing the passage at the end in vs 11 with, “this is what we preach, and this is what you believed”. The real, full gospel lies then between these two statements.

Now notice the importance of this positioning. Against the background of all the mal-practices of the Corinthians, Paul wants to emphasize the importance of the gospel and draw it into the center of His reply to them. He wants to draw them back to the most important reality of their faith. Notice his emphasis on “which you have received and on which you have taken your stand” and “this is what you believed”.

Can you see the significance of what I am saying? You see the central tenet of Christianity is the gospel. In Paul’s words in Roman’s it is the “power of God for salvation of everyone who believes…” It is the main message of Christianity which holds everything else together. So, when there are things happening in the church which are wrong and questionable, it invariably starts with the people losing sight of this important fact.

Now let us look at what he says about the gospel. Firstly, vs 3, “he received it”. It was not his idea. Then he repeats twice that this message was “in accordance with the scriptures“. It was actually the culmination of the whole thrust of the bible up to Jesus’ coming. He, that is Paul regards this message then of “first importance”. (vs3)

The central message then of the gospel follows: “that Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and on the third day he was raised.”

Christ’s death on the cross is the central, pivotal fact. The act that changed the world. However, if He had just died, no-one would have realized the reason or understood the full import of the purpose of His death. It was His resurrection that changed all that. It showed that He was Divine, God Himself. It proved that what He had set out to do had been accomplished. It changed what would just have appeared a laudable act into a supernatural, world shattering, historical earthquake which changed the world for ever. The two events are inseparable, Good Friday without Easter Sunday means nothing.

So why am I making such a huge issue of these facts that all of you surely know? It is surely, in knowing these facts so well that the danger is that they lose their charm and power, as we become more and more familiar with them. It is in remembering the basic gospel that we can fully appreciate the whole of Easter and it’s message.

I have emphasized this here to show you why Paul then goes ahead for the rest of this chapter discussing the resurrection. Driving it home, as it were so that every reader may embrace it and by believing it have their lives changed. And by emphasizing these facts to such a degree this acts as a counter to the many heresies out there. If every believer continually reaffirms the facts of the gospel and reminds themselves of them, their faith will grow stronger and stronger and they will be kept from going off on a tangent, like the Corinthians did.

So, friends why do you not spend the next week pondering these facts of the gospel and preaching them to yourselves. Yes, and maybe to someone else. So many people out there who claim to be Christians don’t actually really understand what happened on the cross and the importance of the resurrection. Maybe this is the time to initiate that discussion with someone. This week can also be an opportunity to read the rest of the chapter and understand why Paul makes such a fuss about the resurrection, in the light of these earlier vv. and I will discuss them in our next blog.

So, soak yourselves in these thoughts. Listen to what Jesus is saying to you and may each of you have a real sense of anticipation for next weekend. Let us pray for each other that Satan does not draw our attention away from this central issue.

Eagerly Desire Spiritual Gifts.

“Be exalted” – is ringing out in my ears. “Be exalted oh God” – so holy, so wise, so omnipotent, so other – I lift my voice and sing – “be exalted!”.

“Yes Ian – it is indeed a privilege – an almost immeasurable privilege you have to be able to meet with Me – the Sovereign Ruler of the whole universe. Yet it is My desire to meet with you, that is why I sent my Son to bridge this gap between us, so that you can receive from Me all the blessings and love I want to share with you. You are enormously privileged, yet no more than any other of my precious children. This is available to every one of you without measure. You have and are receiving every blessing in the heavenlies. As your heart is overwhelmed and filled to overflowing, share these thoughts that those you are in contact with can appreciate just how much they have and are receiving from Me – and by appreciating it, keep singing, “Be exalted oh Lord”.

Chapter 14 of 1 Corinthians next, opens with the words “Follow the way of love and eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy”. The whole question of spiritual gifts in this church has been a divisive element and Paul has been addressing it in various ways since the beginning of the letter. When I was a young Christian this whole question of the so-called “supernatural gifts” was very prominent. I am afraid it was also very controversial and often led more to divisions and quarreling than to the upbuilding of God’s church.

We must realize that the circumstances in that community and church were very different to what we have today. People were used to living their social life in the pagan temples and once saved were having difficulty distancing themselves from that lifestyle. There were no printed scriptures yet as we have them. Teaching came from prophets. There were those who were itinerant prophets and then of course local people within the congregation. There was a huge possibility of false teaching. Hence the many warnings in the various letters to test the teachers and prophets who were bringing God’s message.

Then there was the question of “tongues” which seemed to have become almost a distinguishing sign of superiority to some. Against this background I want to pick out the central teaching of this chapter. Maybe you should read the chapter again and see if you can see the core teaching Paul is giving.

Here goes: Verse 26b “All of these must be done for the strengthening of the church”. Whatever the practices which are being discussed here and how they are played out today should have this main aim in mind. “The strengthening of the church”.

Central to the upbuilding of the church was and will always be the right teaching. Today we have the scriptures which are the core which we use for our teaching. God’s word. God speaking through His word as it is opened up by teachers who, let me use a useful expression, have a prophetic teaching ministry as they open up the scriptures and as the Holy Spirit gives us understanding and applies it for us.

Very important to the upbuilding of the church is that it should be “outsider focused”. The whole first part of this chapter focusses on this important point. If we as God’s church are to carry out His mandate in the world today, we must keep reminding ourselves of the importance God places on the expansion of His Kingdom. Internal strife and quarreling invariable takes everyone’s eyes off this important role the church is called to fulfil. How can we be witnesses if we can’t get on together, never mind love one another. So, while there is a place to discuss doctrine and such issues it should always be done in love and behind closed doors.

The other factor which Paul raised in the last 12vv is the question of church order. Whatever factors which were causing disorder in that church probably are not replicated today. However, it is only fitting that our services should be orderly as another part of our witness to God and His kingdom. That there should be participation by the congregation is highly advisable as it draws everyone in. The church of England has dealt with this by producing the “Book of Common Prayer”, dating back to the 15 and 1600’s.

The liturgies of the services that are used give ample opportunity for participation, in various ways in the service. There is also a heavy emphasis on the role of the scriptures. It is important to see how the church has progressed since the early days, taking into consideration all the attacks on it. It still remains the apple of God’s Eye and the means through which He is reaching out to the world.

While some may long for what they perceive to be the freedom of worship in the Corinthian church, they should realize that it led to much abuse and division, and we should take that as a warning and directive for ourselves.

So, where do you stand in your involvement in the church function? As we read this chapter, we should realize again how vital our positive participation in the church is. We have all been gifted for the common good and by not using your gift/s you are withholding a vital part of God’s plan for His church.

Love – The Most Excellent Way.

“Love – such a mystical word and concept. On the one hand you can decide to do it and on the other hand it only becomes truly real, truly genuine when your heart is changed, and love flows from it naturally because of that. True love, My love, agape – is only possible if you have first received that from Me. It is only as My agape gets hold of your heart that your love becomes genuine. It starts with a response to My love then overflows to those you are in contact with. It is a mystery, it is potent, it is life changing. So many are disabled because they don’t experience, true love. At the same time, it is a decision you should make continuously – To love others to counteract the assaults on it that Satan tries. My command remains – love Me with all your heart, body, soul and mind and your neighbour as yourself. You are the beacon of my love. Plant it on the highest hill and in every relationship”.

Now to 1 Corinthians 13. Perhaps one of the best-known passages in the bible. Unfortunately, it is usually read on its own, without taking its context into consideration. Step back into ch 12 and remember the message there. It is all about the gifts of the Spirit. It appears that the Corinthians were obsessed with these exciting supernatural gifts. Yet the way they were using them was having the opposite effect to what they were intended to do. It was causing divisions, jealousy and disunity.

So, Paul ends the chapter with the advice – “Desire the greater gifts”. Then he blasts them with the words “Now I will show you the most excellent way.” The message is quite simple. All the gifts and abilities that come supernaturally are of little value if they are not practiced with love. The speaking gifts especially were just like an empty gong, if not used with love.

So, what does he mean by love? Vss 4-7 are like dynamite. I suggest that you readers scan over these qualities by which Paul defines what the characteristics of real agape are. I include myself here. So, this week I sat down and wrote each characteristic down on a separate line of my notebook and then prayerfully considered whether I really understood the full meaning and nuance of each one. It took me some time as I was confronted again and again as to how shallow my understanding and interpretation of each one has been. I was hugely challenged and decided to return to these notes each day after that to remind myself what love truly is all about. I realized that it covers almost every aspect of our daily lives as we interact with others. In fact, the emotions and feelings associated with each one of these characteristics often start in our hearts long before we actually interact with others. Take “envy” for instance. This usually starts in one’s heart and then gathers momentum giving rise to a sense of dissatisfaction and can finally result in a negative outcome in one’s interaction with others..

I am not going to try and interpret each word and concept for you. That should be something each one does individually with the Lord. But I challenge you all to do something like that.

The last part of the chapter vv 8-13 is really motivational to what Paul has been saying about love. The Corinthians, as I said, were very much into the speaking gifts especially prophecy and tongues but also a word of knowledge. These were and can be exciting as it expresses the reality of God’s presence. But are really in place because we do not see God face to face yet. So, when we finally get to meet with God face to face these gifts will just become redundant and love will be all that remains.

As I have been writing this, I am reminded again of the weekend teaching I received on Ch 12, at Noordhoek in 1980, where God revealed Himself to me. It was the sense of immediacy which I experienced that blew my mind as to the reality of God. Yet as I think back, the weekend was concluded with a communion service. As Angus Bain administered the host to me, he laid hands on me and gave me a personal prophecy. Later I tended to dismiss this experience and the message as a bit suspect. It is only recently that I have been reminded of that message again. “I am giving you the power of love”. Was the message.

I now realize how important it was that I should have understood that using the gifts without love was like an empty gong. I also realize forty years later, how much I have needed that power over the years and especially now in the circumstances I find myself in. It is also interesting that the word “power” was used. One of the first talks that weekend had been on the work and presence of the Holy Spirit. The speaker explained that the word for power in the NT Greek is “dunamis” from which we have derived the word dynamite. I was suddenly being introduced to the fact that real Christianity is about the reality of the power of God at work among and in us.

I did not immediately understand how living the Christian life requires the power of the gospel to accomplish it effectively. So, to demonstrate love as it is described here would need the transforming power of the Spirit to accomplish. It is counter to our natures and requires a complete transformation to practice it effectively.

Unity, true unity in the church can only be accomplished if these love principles are understood and practiced. They will also be the greatest witness to the reality Of Christ and His work on the cross if they are displayed effectively in a broken society.

Baptised into One Body by One Spirit.

In the light of the songs about the glory of God’s creation and the revelation of His love, revealed in His act on the cross, I decide again to take up my cross and follow Him.

“Yes Ian, that is the only logical response to My revelation of Myself and My glory; to make the active decision to take up your cross and take the first step in following me – it is only then, as you lay aside you’re selfish desires, motives and program. Your petty likes and dislikes, your grumbling and complaining. It is only as you put that all aside and instead take up your cross putting all that to death, that you can fully see Me and My glory. That you can fully appreciate Me and may I say that your life and your words will be a worthy contribution to My glory. That is what I seek in our relationship, to have all of you and in the process the benefit to you will be immeasurable. So yes, do that every day – take up your cross – make that decision even on a moment by moment basis.”

We come now to 1 Cor 12. This is an important chapter in understanding the message of 1 Corinthians. The key verse lies here. Why don’t you read the chapter and see whether you can identify that verse?

It was at a weekend camp in 1980 that I came to know the Lord. The subject of the teaching was all from 1 Cor 12. However, despite the fact that the Lord used that teaching to reveal Himself to me, they was a serious deviation from the truth as revealed in this chapter.

Let us step back and remind ourselves of the scene in Corinth that Paul was addressing. There were a number of questionable behaviours going on in the church there, which reflected the immaturity of that church. However perhaps the main one was reflected in the divisions in the church tearing it apart. Divisions of class and divisions in theological understanding. This was fired by claims as to special spiritual gifts and experiences by various members, which made them feel more important than others in the same community.

The key verse is verse 13. “For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body – whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free – and we were all made to drink of one Spirit”. Note the repeated emphasis on the word “one”.

Paul then explains this statement with the beautiful example of the human body. I think the analogy is self-explanatory. Which can be described by the phrase “unity in diversity”.

The basis of the teaching of my weekend was that being a Christian was all good and well, but if one wanted to serve God effectively one had to be baptized in the Spirit. Through this act the Spirit would endow one with supernatural gifts. That was the basis of the Charismatic teaching, focusing on the Charisma or gifts. This two staged Christian experience clearly led to the sense of some being haves and others have-nots.

It took me some time to realize that this key vs was exactly what proved their teaching wrong. Baptism is essentially an act of initiation and shows that you are NOT a Christian until you have been “baptized in the Spirit”. I won’t go into the reasons for this teaching arising in the first place, but essentially I discovered eventually that this phrase described the same act as being “born again”, “converted”, “receiving the Lord”, “being saved”. All these descriptions describe the same thing. Ultimately you are not a Christian until you have been transformed by the Spirit. At the same time let it be said when you have received this baptism you receive everything God has for you.

let me get back to the important teaching of 1 Cor 12 by making a few remarks.

  1. Every Christian receives certain endowments or gifts which are unique for him/her. Equipping them for the service within the church and that is required to make the church function smoothly. Sometimes these gifts only manifest themselves later when they are required.
  2. Every member of the church is equally vital to the full function of the church, no matter how unimportant they may appear or feel. The body needs its thumb as much as it needs its eyes.
  3. God endows these gifts for a specific purpose that the church may fulfil its function effectively. This function is for the benefit of the church members that they may grow effectively and be supported in their lives and service of the Lord. It is also essential in God’s plan to extend His kingdom throughout the world. He sets up the make-up and gifts in the church so that it may function to His glory and as a witness of His love and power to the world.
  4. Taking all this teaching together it shows God’s care for each individual and a great part of that is our interdependence. This flows logically into the conclusion that there is no room for Christians living in isolation, not wanting to join a church or commit themselves. There is also no room for church-hopping and tasting various churches.
  5. In summary then: The church is a vital part of God’s plan for us and the world. This teaching is very underemphasized. Many see the church as a place where they can benefit rather than serve. The challenge is to take this seriously for each one’s own benefit as well as the kingdom’s sake.
  6. God bless for this week.

The Love Feast.

“Crucified and laid behind a stone, Rejected and alone. Like a rose trampled on the ground. You took the fall and thought of me.

“You can sing of my greatness and my love, you can speak it and hear about it – that is good, but it is only when it reaches your heart of hearts that it becomes real. See your heart like a rosebud – all the beauty of the rose bloom but wrapped and closed – yet as I pour my love out into it, it slowly opens up to become the beautiful bloom it is intended to be. You have moments of supreme revelation of my love but mostly it is a slow process as I interact with all of your life and all of your senses, that you come to understand and appreciate Me and My love more and more fully. I am busy with each one of the folk who read this blog similarly, working on their hearts to bring them to full bloom which can truly appreciate my beauty and the beauty of my love. That is the love feast I am aiming at.”

We come now to 1 Corinthians 11. A chapter, perhaps well known because of its discussion of the “Love Feast” or communion meal. The first 16 vv deal with the cultural issue of head coverings and hair styles which was unique to the Corinthian situation. So I am going to pass over it and get our teeth into the vv 17 – 34.

I believe that I came to a deeper understanding of this teaching this week as I meditated on this important aspect of how we express our worship. I came to realize that the full understanding of the message Paul is giving is focused in one key verse. I wonder if you can see it. Why don’t you read the section and see if you can identify identify the verse and see why it is an embodiment of the entire teaching of this section.

Firstly we should identify what the problem is that Paul is dealing with here. It seems that the communion meal was part of a social meal or Love Feast. The different strata of society making up the Christian Church in Corinth were all part of it. From the wealthy upper strata of society to the poor and the slaves. The wealthy arrived with loads of food and wine and started feasting even to the point of getting drunk while the poor were left with little or nothing to eat.

Clearly any meal partaken like this would be unacceptable, even less the celebration of Communion. Paul wants the readers to understand the full implication of what they are doing, with this teaching. The key verse is verse 26 “For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes”

What is he saying? The way they were dealing with this whole issue was a reflection of their attitude towards Jesus and His death on the cross. By behaving in this way they were showing what they thought about His death, which is the central point of our faith. They were showing this within the assembly of believers, but also to the outside world.

So Paul wants them to understand how serious this lack of veneration is and how it is a direct reflection of what they think of Jesus Himself. He links, most frighteningly, this lack of veneration even to sickness and death.

The two vv 28, 29 are often held up as a reminder to us as we prepare for the communion meal. I have always sort of thought that it meant I should examine every nook and cranny of my life to see if there is any hidden sin there, so that I can bring it out and confess it. However I have now come to realize this is a much deeper instruction. It is indeed a warning to ask yourself how your whole relationship with Jesus is going. The way you approach the communion meal and your attitude is then a reflection of that relationship.

The communion meal is after all the pinnacle of the revelation of the introduction of the New Covenant. It is a reminder of the centrality of Jesus’ death on the cross to our whole faith. But the communion meal has a wider significance which is shown by the events that are described in the background in this chapter.

It also represents what has been accomplished in terms of establishing the Church. The fellowship of believers. It is an opportunity to express that by showing our love and unity for each other. In Corinth there were divisions, pride, factions and now the revelation of the lack of concern and love for fellow believers at the Love Feast.

We should be reminded here that the whole way we do church is actually a reflection of what we think of Jesus. Of what our relationship with Him is like. Because our relationships with each other are a direct reflection of how we view Christ and our relationship with Him.

To many Christians, church is an optional extra. A place where you can be fed and have some fellowship. Criticism of various aspects abounds. We should look again at the warning of terrible judgement that Paul mentions in this section to see how seriously the Lord Himself regards His church and especially the communion meal as an expression of what church is meant to be.

There has been plenty of food for thought for me in this section. I hope you will also be challenged as well.

Living in a Pagan World.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty “.

“In your view you are in danger of seeing Me in My holiness as totally separated from you. Far above everything – pure – so pure I am unapproachable. But the reality is that although I am that holy – I am totally other and separated from you – totally pure in my motives, thoughts, love and faithfulness – never able to lie or be unfaithful. Although that describes Me – I have made a way through Jesus to also be the one who is intimately close to you – who can draw next to you and comfort you and be your friend – who takes you by the hand and leads you – who pours love into you continually. My holiness does not preclude this – in fact it is what is the motive behind this love relationship I have with you. So, sing ‘holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty’, with full gusto and understand that because I am totally other and different – I can be all things -great and awesome – yet a close friend to you. “

I recently had a conversation with a mature Christian friend about the enigma of apparently mature Christians who unexpectedly fall away completely from the faith. I have always held the view that once we are saved, we are sealed “in Christ” and nothing can tear us from His grasp. This seems to be the main focus of ch 10 of 1 Cor. Look at vs 12. “So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall…”

You see what Paul is addressing? The sense of complacency that comes from experiencing the new-found “freedom in Christ”, without understanding the responsibilities that go with it. He starts with showing how the Israelites had experienced all the benefits of salvation on being taken out of Egypt. They subsequently, despite all these, all fell away because of disobedience. Remember that the Corinthians were living in a society whose social life was focused on the temples. That is where they went to eat out and socialize with their friends. The meat in the market butcheries was mostly meat which had been offered at some time as sacrifices to the demons.

Now there seemed to be a number of Corinthian Christians who felt that they had been set free from slavery to demons and therefore could still go and join their friends. So, Paul brings this strong warning that they are flirting with idols. There is only one way to treat idols and that is to “Flee from them”. v 14. They should not think that they cannot fall vs 12. Everyone is tempted and we are not tempted where we are strong. We are tempted in our weakest places and moments.

His warning is that they were thinking that they were stronger than God. By doing that they were actually tempting Him .vs 22. Towards the end of the chapter, he draws a parallel between these temple feasts and the celebration of holy communion, which he will address in greater detail later.

So how do we apply this to ourselves? There are no longer temple feasts and meat offered to idols. So, what about today? Well, I don’t need to remind you that we live in a world every bit as pagan as the Corinthian’s was. The types of temptation and idols have changed over the years, but they are just as plentiful now as they were then. I have found myself from time to time thinking that there is no way a certain temptation will catch me. That is when I am at my most vulnerable. We are all involved in a mighty spiritual battle which is fought to a large degree in our minds. It is exactly in the area where we are least expecting it that Satan will introduce an idol or reawaken an old one.

It seems the only way to protect ourselves is to remain supremely conscious of this battle and to be sure that we stand firm, aware of what may be coming. Most important is to remember that we should not face Satan in our own strength. We need the full armour of God and with continual prayer and watchfulness. Not for nothing did Jesus have in the Lord’s prayer “Lead us not into temptation”. God is faithful, though and will help us in our times of temptation if we turn to Him.

In this passage there is also the strong undercurrent of the Church’s role in the believer’s life. We are there to help each other to stand and we should be very careful that we are not the very means that Satan uses to cause a brother or sister to fall. Not for nothing that the warning is that we cannot live as true Christians without the family of believers in a local church.

The safest way to gauge whether your activities are “safe”, is to follow the instruction Paul gives in vs 31. Ask yourself regularly whether you are happy to say that what you are doing or eating or drinking, or your relationships are to His glory. If you are in doubt flee.

Billy Graham was once asked what he thought his first emotion would be when he entered heaven. He replied, “relief”. We should never rest on our laurels; the battle will only be over when we are finally at home with Him. But at the same time His power is supreme and if we continue to walk with Him, we will be held securely in His love till the end in this world. Romans 8:31 – 38

Knowing God and being Known by Him.

Singing, “All my ways are known to you “, brings me in line with what Jesus was saying to me yesterday.

“I want to revisit what I showed you yesterday. The hordes of Israelites fleeing from Egypt through the Red Sea and into the desert. I tested them with no water or food and very soon they were grumbling and complaining. Even when I gave them manna for food, they were not satisfied. So I sent quail. I gave them water, miraculously made sweet and fresh – yet they continued to grumble and long for their life in bondage in Egypt. The journey through the desert was only going to be accomplished if they trusted Me. If they recognized that the manna – represented Me and the spiritual food I would give – the pillar of Fire at night – represented Me as the light of the world – their Light leading them on. Now take this on board – there in the desert was exactly where I wanted them to be. So where you are now is exactly where I want you to be. Although you are in the desert – you have Me – I am you Bread, I am your Light, I am your Health – don’t be like the Israelites and long back for another life.

Now we proceed in 1 Cor to ch 8 and 9. Firstly Paul brings up the subject of knowledge. He is going to deal with this later as part of his discussion on the spiritual gifts in greater detail. These people, Greeks, prided themselves on their (gift of) knowledge. Paul puts that in perspective as he will again later. Love is more important than knowledge. Love builds up, while knowledge puffs up. The most important knowledge is that God should know each one of us. In John 17:3, Jesus makes this statement, “Now this is eternal life: that they (the disciples) may know you”. This bilateral statement of knowledge is extremely important. It recognizes and emphasizes the nature of our relationship with Jesus and the Father. Bilateral knowledge of each other, intimate, loving knowledge. God who knows every thought and motive in our hearts and from us a desire to draw closer and closer to God Himself..

On top of that, Paul makes another amazing, earth-shattering statement in 8:6. Just look what He is saying: “Yet for us there is one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom all thigs came and through whom we live.” Do you understand the impact of that? Jesus and God are one and the same. The first time I realized that it was an amazing, life-changing revelation to me. Jesus is really God, come in human flesh! Wow! Understanding that in your heart of hearts actually changes everything.

Paul’s concern thereafter is about food sacrificed to Idols and the way one should handle that –in love. Suffice is to say that the principle remains true that if we cause a brother/ sister to sin, then we are sinning against Jesus. We have a huge responsibility towards others in our church family. Food for thought?

In ch 9 Paul spends some time in defence of his apostleship. This is repeated in much greater detail in 2 Corinthians his second letter to them. We probably never get around to doubting his apostleship since he wrote a large part of the New Testament. It is good to remind ourselves, nevertheless of the authenticity of his Apostleship and therefore his writing, since that lends credence that it comes from God Himsel and carries His authority.

What did strike me, personally was his drive and determination to share the gospel at all costs. My own heart has been aflame for the gospel for many years and I ask myself, “Is that flame still burning just as brightly?” Am I prepared to become all things to all people so that just one may be won to the Lord and saved. In fact, am I still running the race to receive the crown which awaits me?

Keep in the race, dear friends. Keep your eyes on the crown of glory which awaits each one of us and the desert scene around us will become strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.

Married to Jesus.

My heart is on fire as I sing and imagine the words expressing Gods closeness and power – “Hold me close, let my arms surround you and you will fly like an Eagle – in the power of my love”.

“All these words are from Me to you today and those who follow your blog. My closeness through My Spirit in you is what makes all the difference – as you abide in Me I can abide in you – as you open your eyes and believe and trust, I am there in that power – The power of My love to help you to fly with wings like an Eagle – but that flying is not always spectacular – it is often very mundane, in the moments of frustration and disappointment, where the tasks I give you start to feel onerous – you need to keep trusting, To keep believing and in that moment I lift you from the mundane, from suffering, even boredom and you can fly with me – soaring on My power. That is what abiding in Me is like and my promise is if you abide in me so I will continue to abide in you.

We come now to a chapter in 1 Corinthians (ch 7), which deals with marriage. Now the circumstances of most of our readers are that much of what is said here may appear to be irrelevant to us at the present time in our lives. Yet the whole bible is written for us and there is always some relevance, so let’s see what we can hear Jesus saying to us from this chapter rather than just skipping through it.

Firstly we need to take into account the cultural circumstances prevailing there in that society. A society which was living focused on temple worship as their main source of “entertainment”. Part of that involved sexual practices and orgies. As Paul writes he is answering questions put to him, which have arisen in the new church. Presumably there was a reaction by some as they were saved, to abstain from sex and marriage as a demonstration of their new spirituality.

So Paul addresses those who are struggling with the whole question of singleness. If we stand back and allow the Lord to give the bigger picture to us on singleness we can learn a few things he is trying to express. Firstly, while some may be called to be single, to be able to serve the Lord, as he classes himself, there is no special merit in keeping oneself single. We have the example of the RC church who expect many to remain single if they wanted to serve the Lord. Clearly if one is not called to be single and gifted for it the door is open for all sorts of malpractices.

On the other hand if one finds oneself to be single there is also nothing wrong with it. Those who are single are equally loved by the Lord as those who are married. Widows also have the choice of marrying again or remaining single.

From this section and other parts of the word, marriage is a very important building block in God’s kingdom and therefore is often the focus of Satan’s attacks. The practical advice that Paul gives to spouses who are saved and their unbelieving partners is extremely valuable. Many a promising Christian life has been diverted by an unbelieving partner.

The passage in Ephesians 5 which draws the comparison of marriage to the relationship of the church with Jesus is extremely important. It shows how God has drawn a man and a woman together in a relationship which is especially intimate and points to the intimacy of their relationship with Jesus Himself. This is why a good marriage is actually such a strong witness to the power and love intimacy Jesus desires with His people.

But what about those who find themselves to be single for whatever reason? Do they miss out? I believe this is the absolute beauty of the gospel. Those who have no intimate partner have the most loving, most intimate partner in Jesus Himself. Throughout the OT you will remember how God called Himself the “Husband” of Israel and therefore felt the huge rejection very deeply when they turned away from Him to worship other gods.

In a similar vein, since God/ Jesus is not present physically here among us at the moment, when there are single people in our congregation, we are all called to be their physical comfort for them and for each other. I have experienced this in some most tender ways and praise the Lord that I can be part of His family with Him as the head and my brothers and sisters as my closest family.

I have to remind myself that while God is interested in having a deep personal relationship with me, He is nevertheless busy with a far greater program at he same time. Building a kingdom which will glorify Him. He wants us to to be growing in the micro-sphere of intimacy with Him as well as the macro-sphere of this glorious kingdom. The one flows into the other.

So I will continue to “abide in Him and trust His promise that He is abiding in me so that through the power of His love I can soar with wings as an eagle.

Real Church.

I have this picture while I am singing of Jesus inviting me to step onto the water with Him.

“Yes Ian I am inviting you to give up trusting in all the “certainties” of this world. Those things which make you feel secure and to step into the unknown, onto water which has no stability in it – which is impossible to do without the miraculous intervention of the One who created it. As you relinquish your hold on the things you rely on you will start to experience the freedom of a relationship with Me where I provide all your stability. Water has so many connotations – it is life-giving and essential for us – yet at the same time it carries the danger of storms and floods and damage and death. But I am the controller of water and walking with Me is the safest place you can ever be. So once again on a daily basis – made that decision to step out of the boat and onto the water with Me.”

As we proceed with 1 Cor from 5:5 we are faced with a few seemingly unrelated matters of questionable behaviour in this church. As I was reading this section it occurred to me that although these particular “offences” were probably unlikely to happen in our church, there were nevertheless some lessons to be learned.

Firstly the classic view of the church is that there are only two types of people one will find in church. Those who have been saved and are part of the kingdom and those who have not yet been saved. Jesus warned His disciples of this and said it was not up to them to separate the wheat from the tares. Yet as I read this section I was again aware that there are often people in the church who one is not sure about. So while it is not up to us to judge we nevertheless need to take heed.

Paul makes no bones about the seriousness of sin and in the section from 5:6 ff he instructs the elders of the church to apply the strictest discipline to a member who is openly sinning. “Expel the offender”. Turning a blind eye to blatant sin in the church will open the door for sin to spread and contaminate the whole church. A little yeast can cause the whole batch to go off. Some who are sinning in the church can divert the whole purpose and power of the Chrurch.

Small quarrels can later lead to great dissension and even ultimately a split. Satan loves this and we have examples all over now and historically of this happening.

Paul comes to the point where he warns the members to avoid contact with others who “call themselves brothers” (5:11) yet behave in a way where their fruit shows that they are actually not saved at all. Now the thought occurred to me, in an ordinary church how do you distinguish the one who is borderline, claiming to be a brother yet living in a way which does not bring glory to Christ, from the one who is saved yet very immature also not producing fruit which honours Christ?

So in a way, the Corinthian church was very similar to our average church. There is obviously a huge time and cultural difference. Yet the way forward is the same for us today. Discipline those who are openly sininig and seek to help those who are weak, to grow. Paul once again uses the reminder in 6:11 of the huge legacy we have as Christians. “washed, sanctified and justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God”. And further on 6:19 “Do you not know you are a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price”. It is this continual reminder which we should preach to ourselves as we struggle with the wiles of the devil and our own inner thoughts dragging us away from Jesus to prevent ourselves from slipping away.

Finally there is a huge warning in 6:12, “Everything is permissible for me” – but not everything is beneficial ……….etc. Paul is obviously repeating sayings going through the church with these comments. They were seemingly claiming the Gnostic teaching that what we do with our body does not affect our soul. But this highlights an attitude by many Christians who try and walk as close to the edge without stepping over it, as they can. The attitude that our sin is forgiven and therefore we may behave in a certain way. It is a hugely perilous place to be, because the chance of slipping over the edge is always there.

It is far better to be in the position where we are secure in Christ. Where we are keeping our relationship with Him dynamic. Where we can freely produce the fruit of the Spirit because we are walking the gospel road with Him. Flirting with sin has caused the downfall of many brothers and sisters in the past.

Does this only affect others, I asked myself? Then I decided that I should take heed of this warning myself. I was also reminded again of the importance of the “Body of Christ” functioning as a unit to God’s glory. Encourage those who are struggling and preaching the gospel to those who have not yet entered the kingdom and joined the mighty throng who will one day be worshipping Christ and singing His praises.

Let us all get a new vision of the importance of the Church where we are part of God’s family and vitally interact with each other’s for benefit and the glory of God.

God’s Kingdom, not Talk but Power.

I am singing,”This is My Grace” and in my mind’s eye I see the figure on the cross – arms stretched wide – crown of thorns on His head – behind Him is a growing light – becoming more and more intense, almost blindingly bright – the crown is turning to burnished gold.

“ This is my Grace, represented by my open arms – ready to give and ready to receive you with no merit required. My Grace starts with an attitude I have towards you all. An attitude of giving all without expecting any merit from you. That attitude however, turns to power which was released on the cross – the power to forgive all sin, the power to restore you and make you whole. The power to change lives – making you productive, filling you with joy, enabling you to experience love, My love which I gift to you by My grace. It is a miracle. It starts as a miracle and goes on as a daily miracle till you come home to experience the glory of My presence.

Talk has power? Yes? Words can build up and cause one to want to fly. They can also be used to destroy, faith, self respect, hope and much else. Some words may stay with us our whole lives. Yet Paul ends this whole section in which he has been speaking about divisions in the church with the statement in 4:20 “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but power”.

So the one thread has been about the power of the gospel to save and transform lives. A power, different to ordinary knowledge, but a power which is released by God’s Spirit when the gospel is explained. Paul has been discussing the causes of the divisions in the Church. In summary he he centers on the phrase, “Some are inflated with pride” 4:18.

So what He is saying is that they are all talk. They have plenty to say. However their lives do not demonstrate the changing power of the gospel. True gospel believers, mature gospel believers are characterized by humility and an attitude of service towards others, like the Master.

Their various leaders are saying plenty in an effort to draw attention. From 4:5 Paul reminds them of the Apostle’s example. Their attitude of humility comes from recognizing, 4:7 “What do you have that you did not receive?”

If we see and understand this apostolic lesson that any attribute, any gift, any talent, any opportunity to serve is a pure gift from God, which should be accepted and used for the benefit of building the kingdom, without attracting attention to oneself. If we can grasp that in our innermost being, then we will have a start to prevent us from becoming inflated by our own opinion.

Hard to do? That is why the power of the gospel is so important. It is so easy to slip into the position of enjoying any attention and becoming “puffed up”.

Each one of us is different. We each have a different temperament and character. Different gifts and abilities. Different ways of expressing ourselves and our circumstances are equally different. So when I say that we all have one thing in common, it will manifest itself in different ways for each of us. So we each have one central problem; that is our own ego and self-interest. Sometimes I feel I am winning against this evil, then I come crashing down again. That is why we must take Paul’s words very seriously. Each one must beware of this in ourselves and go the Lord in confession to receive gospel forgiveness and the real power to overcome.

So the Lord is saying again to me, this week, humble yourself under the mighty hand of God, serve as if you are serving me and enjoy it as a gift I have given you. Remember My power in you and available to you to serve