In the midst of the storms of life – here in the love of Christ I stand with my feet firmly placed on the Rock – the Rock of Ages which was cleft for me.
“My desire for you is that you have that sense of safety and security that’s can only come if you have a sure footing on the only One who is immovable. But at the same time, I am not only a rock I am also soft and receptive and seek to surround you with feelings and assurance of My love that I will keep you safely standing on the Rock. As you have that absolute assurance you are able to move out and be My witness without the fear that your foot is going to slip and that you will stumble. If you are in danger of stumbling my arms are always there around you, holding on to you firmly to keep you going on the right path.”
As we now continue in ch 1 of John’s gospel, he is painting a picture of the One about whom this gospel is all about. Reading today from vs 35 to 51. John uses the calling and introduction of the various disciples as a backdrop to this unveiling of the One whom he introduced as the Light of the World and the Word in the opening vs.
In vs 35 He is given the title “Lamb of God“. This is the second time John uses this title which not only reveals who Jesus is but what He has come to do. He is THE Lamb of God. A special Lamb linking to the OT sacrificial system. His purpose is to die on behalf of the people to atone for their sins.
The next title is in vs 38, “Rabbi “, which means teacher. He is going to be THE teacher, not in the mold of the rabbi’s of the day. “Truly, truly” He often repeats, reminding us of the fact that He only speaks the real truth.
In vs 41 we have Andrew revealing who Jesus really is –“the Messiah” that is the Christ. Undoubted, they did not really understand the full meaning of this title which described the expected king who everyone was waiting for and looking for. The full understanding what this title meant would only come after Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection and ascension, at Pentecost.
In vs 45 Philip describes Jesus as “The One Moses wrote about in the Law, and about whom the prophets wrote”. Moses had written about the Prophet as someone special differentiating Him from the other prophets. (Deut 18:15-19).
The interchange with Nathaniel is a bit more difficult to unravel The NIV translation is unhelpful where he describes Jesus as a true Israelite. It has more to do with an Israelite without guile and reflects on their further conversation. What is insightful here is the revelation of Jesus that He knew everything about Nathaniel, revealing a special, unheard of, supernatural knowledge.
The chapter ends with Jesus repeating the dream that Jacob had, had described in Gen 8:13-17. Jacob a man with guile in contrast to Jesus. The dream as Jacob awakes gives two more aspects to Jesus’ nature and character. In Vs 17 of Gen 28, Jacob “says surely this is none other than the house of God; the gate of heaven”.
In the very next chapter of John, Jesus reveals that He is going to replace the temple (2:19), The House of God and later He describes Himself as the “Gate” John 10:17.
The chapter ends with Jesus calling Himself by the name that He prefers, throughout His ministry. “The Son of Man“. This name comes from Daniel in 7:13 where He is pictured with “The Ancient of Days“, the name for Yahweh Himself.
John has skillfully woven these names into the narrative of the calling of a number of His disciples. These are pictured as very real humans, not in any way polished over to look better than they were. As you read this passage one cannot help feeling that this story is absolutely real. Jesus is slowly appearing like a multicoloured jewel against the background of these various people.
Each of these names describes something of Jesus ‘s person and character, what a beautiful way to get to know our glorious Saviour more completely and deeply. Why don’t you choose one name every day this week and glorify Him just according to that?
Bless you all see you next week. Sorry I was late this week I had an unexpected visitor who delayed me. My son Paul.