A Seed falls on the Ground.

The “holy moment” I mentioned last week extended as my lovely Emily’s body fought to stay alive. On Sunday morning after a brief quiet time I went to the room to see how Em was doing and was immediately aware by her breathing that the end was very near. I was able then to sit with her and read Psalm 23 and others and then play her some songs from You Tube. The first song which came up was “Softly and tenderly I call unto you …Oh sinner come home” As I played that I heard the Lord calling “Emily come home”. Over and over He was calling her. Then followed “How great thou art”. As that beautiful hymn reached its climax “When Christ shall come, with shout of acclamation and take me home , what joy shall fill my heart,” she took her last breath and I could say goodbye. Goodbye to 65 years of her being the prime person in my life, who gave me so much and made such a difference to my life. To God be all the glory.

The brief word God gave me before I went to sit with her was, “ Yes indeed her place is ready here by My side with countless millions of other believers who have arrived before her and My Spirit is very present and real around you and your family as you deal with all the worldly details. Remember My plan is there and will be worked out– just rest in it”.

Now to John’s Gospel again. The central vs in the passage which comes next is….I wonder if you can see it? So please read John 12:20-36 and pick up that central. Vs. We are not going to look at the whole passage today however, just vv 20-26.

The story picks up in vs 20, with some Greeks becoming part of it. They were obviously Jewish believers as they came to the feast to worship. But what is the significance of their appearance? It seems John wants us to get a peek again and a reminder of the fact that Jesus’s ministry was going to extent further than the nation of Israel.

At this stage John uses this as an opportunity for Jesus to make the great announcement – “The hour has come” but the hour for what? The hour for Him, “the Son of Man” to be glorified. What a way to describe the awful process that was awaiting Him in the next few days. But He goes on immediately to explain what that means. How this cruel process was going to lead to Him and His Father being glorified. He uses a universal principle from agriculture – for a plant to grow the seed had first to die.

So how does this explain His death and glorification? On his own He could only reach a few people. By saying this He was predicting that He was going to introduce a whole new era, His death heralded the fact that the “seed” was going to produce a plant which would grow and grow to fill the world. That plant was the coming Kingdom which would be the means of glorifying Himself and His Father.

But this is a universal principle which He goes on to explain affects every person on earth. So what does it mean to you personally? He makes this clear in vv 25,26. This principle is so important in the life of every believer. Effectively each one of us, at our new birth has died to our old selves. Died to the right to run our lives as we wish and turned to follow Him. That is, indeed the test of real Christianity: Have you died to your old self and turned in a real way to follow Jesus? You see that death heralds the plant of righteousness which grows up in the place where the seed died. That righteousness demonstrates in visible fruit in the believer’s life.

So what we read here is a very important universal principle of Christianity. A real Christian will produce fruit. The fruit of righteousness, the fruit of the Spirit. Matt 7:16 it is by their fruit you will know them. And ultimately the reward? Vs 26 My Father will honour them. So let me ask you again “what does that principle mean to you personally today?” Only you and the Lord know the real answer to that.

Friends I am going to end this now.It just leaves me to thank each one of you for the incredible support you have shown me not only in the last week but over that last 15 years. If I have done something right, please understand that it is merely the fruit of my relationship with my dear Lord being expressed and not because of something special in me. I am posting an invitation to Em’s memorial service. Please come and let me know you intend to come. If you are from outside the Village you will need an access code which I will send you when you accept and indicate you need it.

God bless and hope to see you on Tuesday.

2 Replies to “A Seed falls on the Ground.”

  1. “And Jesus answered them , ” The hour has come for the Son of Man to.be glorified” John 12. 23 Jesus Christ is the bread of Life , the water of eternal Life. Our souls were made for Jesus. There are millions of people who don’t know who they are, which is most tragic. May we see our living Lord and savior Jesus Christ who He truly is,i the glorious Son of the most Holy Lord. In His deep humility, Christ is our eternal brother. He will never leave or forsake His own because the Father has given His elect to Christ forever. Rest in this truth, Christ is the Truth! All Glory, power, dominion and authority be to our Holy Lord, Jesus Christ forever and ever 🙏 Amen

  2. UNITED IN HOPE AND LOVE ” Father, li desire that they also , whom You have given Me , may be with Me where I AM, to see My glory that You have given Me because You loved Me before the foundation of the world.” John 17.24

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