The past few days I have been experiencing a most precious moment. While my dear Emily has been slipping quietly away, to cross the Jordan, I have experienced what I can only describe as a holy moment. The house has been filled with the Lord’s Presence. I have been at complete peace no fear or anxiety or distress. I have seen death many times but this time has been like a really spiritual moment. What a privilege it is to nestle in the arms of Jesus and lay my head on his shoulder while this cosmic process is happening. Thank you Lord.
” My dear child this Presence of mine is there for every one of my dear children as I shepherd and bear them over the river Jordan as it’s waters are dammed up so that you can cross over and fully experience the reception that awaits you as you enter into my perfect kingdom, into my very Presence. This is indeed a cosmic moment which awaits every believer, where the light is always bright the flowers always bloom and where there are no more tears or pain or separation”.
The opening verse in our passage today (John 12:12-19) launches the final week of Jesus’s “normal” life on earth. The amount of space and detail in these final chapters indicates the importance of this time in the whole unfolding of Jesus’s life and mission.
It opens with two Old Testament references, which show the reader how the events have always been part of God’s greater plan. It is worth going back to read the original passages to see the context. First Psalm 118:26,27. This describes the festal atmosphere. But note the verse preceding, “Oh Lord save us….” Note also the statement in verse 27, “the Lord is God”. The next verse in our passage focusses now on the kingship of this figure.
The enigma of this passage then joins the many enigmas of our Christian message. The “king” is riding on a donkey. He is not a worldly conquering king riding on a white steed, but a servant king on a lowly donkey. (Zech 9:9). Despite this He is described as “having salvation”, which means He actually represents salvation. I suppose these enigmas are one reason why many people find it hard to believe and trust in Jesus. But it is so necessary because it reflects the way each member of the kingdom’s lives should look like. If you want to follow Jesus you must deny yourself and take up your cross and, if necessary come riding on a donkey.
Notice in verse 16, even the disciples didn’t understand this till after His resurrection. The crowd who had gathered however were not phased. They celebrated and danced and cast their palm branches, completely dazzled by Jesus’s miracles, especially the raising of Lazarus from the dead. The jealousy of the Pharisees was aroused even more by this acclaim and it contributed to the intensifying of their determination to get rid of Jesus and even poor Lazarus if they could.
The text ends with the statement that many people were “going over to Jesus and putting their faith in Him”. This faith is however more a description of their actions rather than a heartfelt belief and trust in Him, because not to long after this these very people will be shouting “crucify, crucify” for this same Jesus.
So what has Jesus been saying to me from this text? Firstly a great reminder of who Jesus is, but especially what He really was like. Then the challenge to be like Him in my life. Following His example of humility and service and putting aside my own agenda.
There is also a warning that the number of people who seem to follow does not necessarily mean they have real faith or are really committed. Real faith is shown by actions and their way of life, not by a crowd generated enthusiasm .
Thank you for all the many prayers and love which have been shown to me, especially the last few days. Please continue to hold Em and I up in the coming days. Only the Lord knows how things will unfold. But I do know He holds these days in His hands in love, since He has already demonstrated that by sending His Son to die on the cross for me and every one of us.
” He said to them ” But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, ” You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. ” And Jesus answered him , “Blessed are you, Simon-Bar-jonah! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. ” Matthew 116 . 15AA — 17 May we receive Christ as treasure above all treasures of our soul. All Glory, power, dominion and authority be to our Holy Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever 🙏 Amen
Matthew 16. 15-17